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The Book of Joy

By Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu (24 Dec 2018)

Lasting Happiness in a changing world

  • Wherever you have friends that's your country, and wherever you receive love, that's your home.

  • Developing perspective and humility can bring you closer to true joy.

  • Eight pillars of joy

    1. Perspective - given moment won't last forever, therefore focus on the present and bring joy and hope into your life
    2. Humility - if you feel that you're better than others, you'll never be able to find joy
    3. Humor - nothing alleviates a stressful situation better than a good joke
    4. Acceptance - you'll never find joy if you can't accept that life has its hard moments, most of which you have no control over
    5. Gratitude - take nothing for granted, to be thankful for everything you have and all you have experienced
    6. Forgiveness
    7. Compassionate - reciprocal altruism, a feeling of joy experienced when helping others
    8. Spending time on other' happiness