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Everyday Millionaires

By Chris Hogan

How ordinary people build extraordinary wealth - and how you can too

  • Wealthy people don't get that way by taking foolish risks
  • Most millionaires don't go to fancy schools or have high-paying jobs
  • The buck stops with millionaires, who take responsibility for their own financial success
  • Millionaires stay in control of their financial lives by practicing intentionality
    • Intentionality is the difference between deciding and sliding. If you're sliding through life, you're not in control. You're just drifting along without a plan. Deciding, on the other hand, is about being in control and making conscious choices
    • Set a Bugdet
  • Millionaire set goals for themselves and make sure that they achieve them
    • SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-sensitive
  • It's the consistency of millionaraires that allows their money to grow even while they're asleep
  • Enlist an investment professional
    • Ask questions about their experience, certifications, philosophy and fees. After all it's your wealth, And your life.