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Social Intelligence

By Daniel Goleman (27 Nov 2018)

The new science of human relationships

  • empathic accuracy - the capacity to understand yourself and others in social contexts, It allows you to put yourself in someone else's shoes. It's not only about understanding what they're feeling but why they feel that way
  • Many people have trouble paying attention to others and this changes from culture to culture.
  • Japanese culture - amae - to describe kind of intuitive understanding of others' needs and feelings, like a guest's hunger without asking
  • Social predisposition - the way in which a person interact with the world
  • A social studies on money suggests that humans are likely to be more adventurous if they've been exposed to reasonable doses of fear at a young age
  • Poor social inteligence is linked to sexual violence and testosterone is a risk factor in this equation
  • Social interaction can boost recovery and health, which is why we should tackle stigmas around illness
  • Social intelligence can help children with learning difficulties thrive in school
  • Don't be afraid to say or show you are sorry