kafkacat is a generic non-JVM producer and consumer for Apache Kafka >=0.8, think of it as a netcat for Kafka.
In producer mode kafkacat reads messages from stdin, delimited with a configurable delimiter (-D, defaults to newline), and produces them to the provided Kafka cluster (-b), topic (-t) and partition (-p).
In consumer mode kafkacat reads messages from a topic and partition and prints them to stdout using the configured message delimiter.
There's also support for the Kafka >=0.9 high-level balanced consumer, use the -G <group>
switch and provide a list of topics to join the group.
kafkacat also features a Metadata list (-L) mode to display the current state of the Kafka cluster and its topics and partitions.
Supports Avro message deserialization using the Confluent Schema-Registry, and generic primitive deserializers (see examples below).
kafkacat is fast and lightweight; statically linked it is no more than 150Kb.
brew install kafkacat
apt-get install kafkacat
# use kcat command instead of kafkacat
High-level balanced KafkaConsumer: subscribe to topic1 and topic2 (requires broker >=0.9.0 and librdkafka version >=0.9.1)
kafkacat -b localhost:9091 -G mygroup topic1 topic2
Read messages from Kafka 'syslog' topic, print to stdout
kafkacat -b kafka0.example.com:31090,kafka1.example.com:31091,kafka2.example.com:31092 -t druid_uncompressed -c 10
Read the last 2000 messages from 'syslog' topic, then exit
kafkacat -C -b mybroker -t syslog -p 0 -o -2000 -e
kafkacat -C -b kafka0.example.com:31090,kafka1.example.com:31091,kafka2.example.com:31092 -t druid_compressed -p 0 -o -2000 -e
Consume from all partitions from 'syslog' topic
kafkacat -C -b mybroker -t syslog
Output consumed messages in JSON envelope:
kafkacat -b mybroker -t syslog -J
Decode Avro key (-s key=avro), value (-s value=avro) or both (-s avro) to JSON using schema from the Schema-Registry:
kafkacat -b mybroker -t ledger -s avro -r http://schema-registry-url:8080
Decode Avro message value and extract Avro record's "age" field:
kafkacat -b mybroker -t ledger -s value=avro -r http://schema-registry-url:8080 | jq .payload.age
Decode key as 32-bit signed integer and value as 16-bit signed integer followed by an unsigned byte followed by string:
kafkacat -b mybroker -t mytopic -s key='i$' -s value='hB s'
Hint: see./kafkacat -h for all available deserializer options.
Output consumed messages according to format string:
kafkacat -b mybroker -t syslog -f 'Topic %t [%p], offset: %o, key: %k, payload: %S bytes: %sn'
Read the last 100 messages from topic 'syslog' with librdkafka configuration parameter 'broker.version.fallback' set to '' :
kafkacat -C -b mybroker -X broker.version.fallback= -t syslog -p 0 -o -100 -e
Print headers in consumer:
kafkacat -b mybroker -C -t mytopic -f 'Headers: %h: Message value: %sn'
Enable the idempotent producer, providing exactly-once and strict-orderingproducerguarantees:
kafkacat -b mybroker -X enable.idempotence=true -P -t mytopic ....
Metadata listing
kafkacat -L -b kafka0.example.com:31090,kafka1.example.com:31091,kafka2.example.com:31092
Metadata for all topics (from broker 1: mybroker:9092/1):
3 brokers:
broker 1 at mybroker:9092
broker 2 at mybrokertoo:9092
broker 3 at thirdbroker:9092
16 topics:
topic "syslog" with 3 partitions:
partition 0, leader 3, replicas: 1,2,3, isrs: 1,2,3
partition 1, leader 1, replicas: 1,2,3, isrs: 1,2,3
partition 2, leader 1, replicas: 1,2, isrs: 1,2
topic "rdkafkatest1_auto_49f744a4327b1b1e" with 2 partitions:
partition 0, leader 3, replicas: 3, isrs: 3
partition 1, leader 1, replicas: 1, isrs: 1
topic "rdkafkatest1_auto_e02f58f2c581cba" with 2 partitions:
partition 0, leader 3, replicas: 3, isrs: 3
partition 1, leader 1, replicas: 1, isrs: 1
JSON metadata listing
kafkacat -b mybroker -L -J
Pretty-printed JSON metadata listing
kafkacat -b mybroker -L -J | jq .
Query offset(s) by timestamp(s)
kafkacat -b **kafka0.example.com:31090,kafka1.example.com:31091,kafka2.example.com:31092** -Q -t druid_telemetry_data_Samhi:0:1569048234230
kafkacat -b **kafka0.example.com:31090,kafka1.example.com:31091,kafka2.example.com:31092** -Q -t druid_telemetry_data_Samhi:0:**1568989500000**
Consume messages between two timestamps
# Working
kafkacat -b **kafka0.example.com:31090,kafka1.example.com:31091,kafka2.example.com:31092** -C -t druid_telemetry_data_Samhi -o s@1574063938000 -o e@1574063940000 **-**f 'nKey (%K bytes): %ktnValue (%S bytes): %snTimestamp: %TtPartition: %ptOffset: %on--n'
# Redirect logs to different topic
kafkacat -b kafka0.example.com:31090,kafka1.example.com:31091,kafka2.example.com:31092 -C -t **smap_samhi**-o s@**1568989590000**-o e@**1568989620000 | kafkacat -b**kafka0.example.com:31090,kafka1.example.com:31091,kafka2.example.com:31092 -P -t samhi_logs
Read messages from stdin, produce to 'syslog' topic with snappy compression
tail -f /var/log/syslog | kafkacat -b mybroker -t syslog -z snappy
Produce messages from file (one file is one message)
kafkacat -P -b mybroker -t filedrop -p 0 myfile1.bin /etc/motd thirdfile.tgz
Produce a tombstone (a "delete" for compacted topics) for key "abc" by providing an empty message value which-Zinterpretes as NULL:
echo "abc:" | kafkacat -b mybroker -t mytopic -Z -K:
Produce with headers:
echo "hello there" | kafkacat -b mybroker -H "header1=header value" -H "nullheader" -H "emptyheader=" -H "header1=duplicateIsOk"
Kafkacat documentation
Usage: kafkacat <options> [file1 file2 .. | topic1 topic2 ..]]
kafkacat - Apache Kafka producer and consumer tool
-C | -P | -L | -Q Mode: Consume, Produce, Metadata List, Query mode
-G <group-id> Mode: High-level KafkaConsumer (Kafka >=0.9 balanced consumer groups)
Expects a list of topics to subscribe to
-t <topic> Topic to consume from, produce to, or list
-p <partition> Partition
-b <brokers,..> Bootstrap broker(s) (host [:port])
-D <delim> Message delimiter character:
a-z.. | \r | \n | \t | \xNN
Default: \n
-E Do not exit on non fatal error
-K <delim> Key delimiter (same format as -D)
-c <cnt> Limit message count
-F <config-file> Read configuration properties from file,
file format is "property=value".
The KAFKACAT_CONFIG=path environment can also be used, but -F takes preceedence.
The default configuration file is $HOME/.config/kafkacat.conf
-X list List available librdkafka configuration properties
-X prop=val Set librdkafka configuration property.
Properties prefixed with "topic." are
applied as topic properties.
-X dump Dump configuration and exit.
-d <dbg1,...> Enable librdkafka debugging:
-q Be quiet (verbosity set to 0)
-v Increase verbosity
-V Print version
-h Print usage help
Producer options:
-z snappy|gzip|lz4 Message compression. Default: none
-p -1 Use random partitioner
-D <delim> Delimiter to split input into messages
-K <delim> Delimiter to split input key and message
-k <str> Use a fixed key for all messages.
If combined with -K, per-message keys
takes precendence.
-H <header=value> Add Message Headers (may be specified multiple times)
-l Send messages from a file separated by
delimiter, as with stdin.
(only one file allowed)
-T Output sent messages to stdout, acting like tee.
-c <cnt> Exit after producing this number of messages
-Z Send empty messages as NULL messages
file1 file2.. Read messages from files.
With -l, only one file permitted.
Otherwise, the entire file contents will
be sent as one single message.
Consumer options:
-o <offset> Offset to start consuming from:
beginning | end | stored |
<value> (absolute offset) |
-<value> (relative offset from end)
s@<value> (timestamp in ms to start at)
e@<value> (timestamp in ms to stop at (not included))
-e Exit successfully when last message received
-f <fmt..> Output formatting string, see below.
Takes precedence over -D and -K.
-J Output with JSON envelope
-s key=<serdes> Deserialize non-NULL keys using <serdes>.
-s value=<serdes> Deserialize non-NULL values using <serdes>.
-s <serdes> Deserialize non-NULL keys and values using <serdes>.
Available deserializers (<serdes>):
<pack-str> - A combination of:
<: little-endian,
>: big-endian (recommended),
b: signed 8-bit integer
B: unsigned 8-bit integer
h: signed 16-bit integer
H: unsigned 16-bit integer
i: signed 32-bit integer
I: unsigned 32-bit integer
q: signed 64-bit integer
Q: unsigned 64-bit integer
c: ASCII character
s: remaining data is string
$: match end-of-input (no more bytes remaining or a parse error is raised).
Not including this token skips any
remaining data after the pack-str is
-D <delim> Delimiter to separate messages on output
-K <delim> Print message keys prefixing the message
with specified delimiter.
-O Print message offset using -K delimiter
-c <cnt> Exit after consuming this number of messages
-Z Print NULL values and keys as "NULL"instead of empty.
For JSON (-J) the nullstr is always null.
-u Unbuffered output
Metadata options (-L):
-t <topic> Topic to query (optional)
Query options (-Q):
-t <t>:<p>:<ts> Get offset for topic <t>,
partition <p>, timestamp <ts>.
Timestamp is the number of milliseconds
since epoch UTC.
Requires broker >= and librdkafka >= 0.9.3.
Multiple -t .. are allowed but a partition
must only occur once.
Format string tokens:
%s Message payload
%S Message payload length (or -1 for NULL)
%R Message payload length (or -1 for NULL) serialized
as a binary big endian 32-bit signed integer
%k Message key
%K Message key length (or -1 for NULL)
%T Message timestamp (milliseconds since epoch UTC)
%h Message headers (n=v CSV)
%t Topic
%p Partition
%o Message offset
\n \r \t Newlines, tab
\xXX \xNNN Any ASCII character
-f 'Topic %t [%p] at offset %o: key %k: %s\n'
JSON message envelope (on one line) when consuming with -J:
{ "topic": str, "partition": int, "offset": int,
"tstype": "create|logappend|unknown", "ts": int, // timestamp in milliseconds since epoch
"headers": { "<name>": str, .. }, // optional
"key": str|json, "payload": str|json,
"key_error": str, "payload_error": str } //optional
(note: key_error and payload_error are only included if deserialization failed)
Consumer mode (writes messages to stdout):
kafkacat -b <broker> -t <topic> -p <partition>
kafkacat -C -b ...
High-level KafkaConsumer mode:
kafkacat -b <broker> -G <group-id> topic1 top2 ^aregex\d+
Producer mode (reads messages from stdin):
... | kafkacat -b <broker> -t <topic> -p <partition>
kafkacat -P -b ...
Metadata listing:
kafkacat -L -b <broker> [-t <topic>]
Query offset by timestamp:
kafkacat -Q -b broker -t <topic>:<partition>:<timestamp>
Example Commands
metadata listing
kafkacat -L -b kafka0.example.com:9094,kafka1.example.com,kafka2.example.com
kafkacat -L -b localhost:9094
consumer - get data from bank_data
kafkacat -C -b my-cluster-kafka-brokers.kafka:9092 -t bank_data -p 0 -o -2000 -e
kafkacat -C -b kafka0.example.com:9094,kafka1.example.com,kafka2.example.com -t test
kafkacat -C -b kafka0.example.com:9094,kafka1.example.com:9094,kafka2.example.com:9094 -t test_bank_data -o -2000 -f 'nKey (%K bytes): %ktnValue (%S bytes): %snTimestamp: %TtPartition: %ptOffset: %on--n'
get size of the packets
kafkacat -C -b kafka0.example.com:9094,kafka1.example.com:9094,kafka2.example.com:9094 -t test_bank_data -o -2000 -f 'nValue (%S bytes) t Timestamp: %TtPartition: %ptOffset: %o'
kafkacat -C -b kafka0.example.com:9094,kafka1.example.com:9094,kafka2.example.com:9094 -t test_bank_data -o -2000 -f 'n%S,%T,%p,%o'
echo "hello" | kafkacat -P -b my-cluster-kafka-brokers.kafka:9092 -t test
while true; do echo $(($(date +%s%N)/1000000)) | kafkacat -P -b my-cluster-kafka-brokers.kafka:9092 -t test; sleep 2; echo $(($(date +%s%N)/1000000)); done
kafkacat -b kafka0.example.com:9094,kafka1.example.com:9094,kafka2.example.com:9094 -t test -c 10