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Python client for the Apache Kafka distributed stream processing system. (consumer iterators)

Kafka Consumer

The consumer iterator returns ConsumerRecords, which are simple namedtuples that expose basic message attributes: topic, partition, offset, key, and value:

from kafka import KafkaConsumer
consumer = KafkaConsumer('my_favorite_topic')
for msg in consumer:
print (msg)

Kafka Producer

KafkaProducer is a high-level, asynchronous message producer.

from kafka import KafkaProducer
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:1234')
for _ in range(100):
producer.send('foobar', b'some_message_bytes')

The KafkaProducer can be used across threads without issue, unlike the KafkaConsumer which cannot.

Kafka Producer Settings

  • retries
  • batch_size
  • linger_ms
  • buffer_memory

Corner cases

  • Broker down
  • Internet connection down
  • Internet connection slow
  • Data encoding error
  • Ack not received (write error on broker)


  • Should be asynchronous / block until delivered, and what to do if error arises after some time, when the thread is moved on further.
  • How to handle error logs? Use LogStash and Elasticsearch? (Errors like No brokers error or any other error that arises?)


  • If the net is not there in first attempt, then kafka doesn't run after the net is back.


  • msgpack / lz4 / snappy for compression
