Humans evolved for Feast - famine
We have a maladaptive brain for feast-feast environment
Royal Institution - How We Got the Science of Weight Loss Wrong - with Giles Yeo
Royal Institution - Is Obesity a Choice? - with Giles Yeo
OUTLIVE by Peter Attia, MD | Core Message - YouTube
- Biggest threat - Insulin resistance
- Biggest solution - Physical exercise
What can nutrition teach us about Investing ? I Mihir Patki (Co-Founder -
- Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
- Minimum calories your body needs
- Eating below this level will affect your immunity
- Total Energy Expenditure
- Calories burnt by our body
- Sedentary life = Lower TEE
- Active life = higher TEE
- Carolie Restriction - 30% less
The Biggest Lie About Calorie Counting
People are overweight because they eat too much. It is also really hard to stop. -- Scott Young
- Your brain has specific neural circuitry designed to avoid starvation and, by extension, any rapid weight-loss. When you lose a lot of body fat, your hunger levels increase to encourage you to bring it back up.
- How Not to Die, Book by Gene Stone and Michael Greger