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Non linear regression

Non-linear Regression

  • We can generalize further to models that are nonlinear:


where the g's are non-linear functions

  • In statistics this is referred to as a generalized linear regression
  • Closed form (analytical) solutions are rare
  • We have a multivariate non-linear optimization problem

Optimization in the Non-Linear Case

  • We seek the minimum of a function in d dimensions, where d is the number of parameters (d could be large)
  • There are a multitude of heuristic search techniques
    • Steepest descent (follow the gradient)
    • Newton methods (use 2nd derivative information)
    • Conjugate gradient
    • Line search
    • Stochastic search
    • Genetic algorithms
  • Two cases
    • Convex (nice -> means a single global optimum)
    • Non-convex (multiple local optima -> need multiple starts)

Other non-linear models

  • Splines
    • Patch together different low-order polynomials over different parts of the x-space
    • Works well in 1 dimension, less well in higher dimensions
  • Memory-based models


  • Local linear regression


Complexity vs Goodness of Fit


Generalized Linear Models (GLMs)


Tree-Structured Regression

  • Functional form of model is a "regression tree"
    • Univariate thresholds at internal nodes
    • Constant or linear surfaces at the leaf nodes
    • Yields piecewise constant (or linear) surface
    • (like classification tree, but for regression)
  • Very crude functional form... but
    • Can be very useful in high-dimensional problems
    • Can useful for interpretation
    • Can handle combinations of real and categorical variables
  • Search problem
    • Finding the optimal tree is intractable
    • Practice: greedy algorithms

Model Averaging / Ensembles

  • Can average over parameters and models
    • E.g., weighted linear combination of predictions from multiple models

y = Σ wk yy

  • Why? Any predictions from a point estimate of parameters or a single model has only a small chance of the being the best
  • Averaging makes our predictions more stable and less sensitive to random variations data set (good for less stable models like trees)