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Content Moderation

Community Moderation / Profanity Detection (Profane) / Abusive / Toxicity Detection


Top-Level CategorySecond-Level Category
Explicit NudityNudity
Graphic Male Nudity
Graphic Female Nudity
Sexual Activity
Illustrated Explicit Nudity
Adult Toys
SuggestiveFemale Swimwear Or Underwear
Male Swimwear Or Underwear
Partial Nudity
Barechested Male
Revealing Clothes
Sexual Situations
ViolenceGraphic Violence Or Gore
Physical Violence
Weapon Violence
Self Injury
Visually DisturbingEmaciated Bodies
Air Crash
Explosions And Blasts
Rude GesturesMiddle Finger
DrugsDrug Products
Drug Use
Drug Paraphernalia
TobaccoTobacco Products
Alcoholic Beverages
Hate SymbolsNazi Party
White Supremacy

Moderating content - Amazon Rekognition

Toxic Speech Categories

  • Profanity: Speech that contains words, phrases, or acronyms that are impolite, vulgar, or offensive.
  • Hate speech: Speech that criticizes, insults, denounces, or dehumanizes a person or group on the basis of an identity (such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ability, and national origin).
  • Sexual: Speech that indicates sexual interest, activity, or arousal using direct or indirect references to body parts, physical traits, or sex.
  • Insults: Speech that includes demeaning, humiliating, mocking, insulting, or belittling language. This type of language is also labeled as bullying.
  • Violence or threat: Speech that includes threats seeking to inflict pain, injury, or hostility toward a person or group.
  • Graphic: Speech that uses visually descriptive and unpleasantly vivid imagery. This type of language is often intentionally verbose to amplify a recipient's discomfort.
  • Harassment or abusive: Speech intended to affect the psychological well-being of the recipient, including demeaning and objectifying terms. This type of language is also labeled as harassment.

Detecting toxic speech - Amazon Transcribe