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Pull Request Risk Tagging Heuristics

What are all the heuristics that can be used to create a AI model that can create a "change risk tag" if the code changes is risky or not

Creating an AI model to assess the risk of code changes and generate a "change risk tag" involves considering various heuristics that capture different aspects of risk. Here are the key heuristics that can be used:

Code Complexity Heuristics

  1. Lines of Code (LOC): More lines of code may indicate higher risk. (Available)
  2. Cyclomatic Complexity: Higher complexity can mean more potential for bugs.
  3. Code Churn: Frequency and volume of changes to a particular code file or module.
  4. Code Dependencies: Number and complexity of dependencies affected by the change.
  5. Code Coverage: Extent of unit test coverage on the changed code.
  6. DML changes: If new columns are removed
  7. Configuration changes

Historical Data Heuristics

  1. Past Bug Frequency: Historical bug count in the code being changed.
  2. Past Change Frequency: How often the code has been changed in the past.
  3. Developer Experience: Developer’s familiarity and experience with the codebase.

Code Quality Heuristics

  1. Static Code Analysis: Results from tools like SonarQube indicating potential code quality issues.
  2. Linting Errors/Warnings: Number and severity of linting issues.
  3. Code Review Feedback: Historical feedback from code reviews on similar changes.

Testing Heuristics

  1. Test Coverage: Percentage of the changed code covered by tests.
  2. Test Pass Rate: Historical pass rate of tests related to the changed code.
  3. Test Execution Results: Results from unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.

Deployment Heuristics

  1. Deployment Frequency: How often changes are deployed to production.
  2. Deployment Success Rate: Historical success rate of deployments involving similar changes.
  3. Rollback Frequency: How often changes need to be rolled back post-deployment.

Code Review Heuristics

  1. Review Comments: Number and nature of comments from code reviewers.
  2. Time to Review: Amount of time taken for code review.
  3. Review Approval Rate: Approval rate of similar changes in past reviews.

Change Scope Heuristics

  1. Number of Files Changed: More files can indicate a higher risk.
  2. Affected Modules: Criticality of the modules affected by the change.
  3. Cross-Team Impact: Changes that impact multiple teams or services.

Operational Metrics Heuristics

  1. Performance Metrics: Potential impact on system performance metrics.
  2. Error Rates: Potential impact on error rates post-change.
  3. User Impact: Potential impact on user-facing features and services.

Contextual Heuristics

  1. Release Timing: Proximity to major releases or deadlines.
  2. Business Criticality: Importance of the feature or fix being implemented.
  3. Regulatory Impact: Potential regulatory or compliance implications.
  1. Commit Frequency: Frequency of commits by the developer.
  2. Commit Size: Size of the commits made by the developer.
  3. Collaboration: Degree of collaboration on the change (e.g., pair programming).

Environmental Heuristics

  1. Environmental Stability: Stability of the environment where changes are being made.
  2. Configuration Changes: Changes to configuration files or environment settings.
  3. Infrastructure Changes: Changes to infrastructure components (e.g., database schema changes).

AI/ML-Based Heuristics

  1. Anomaly Detection: Use machine learning to detect anomalies in code changes compared to historical data.
  2. Predictive Models: Models trained on historical data to predict the likelihood of issues.
  3. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Analyze commit messages and comments for risk indicators.

By integrating these heuristics into a comprehensive model, you can assess the risk associated with code changes and generate meaningful "change risk tags" to guide development and deployment decisions.

How to build this

Building an AI model to generate "change risk tags" for code changes involves several steps, including data collection, feature engineering, model selection, training, evaluation, and deployment. Here’s a detailed guide to building such a model:

1. Data Collection

Source Data

  • Version Control Systems: Collect data from systems like Git or SVN (commit history, lines of code changed, commit messages).
  • Issue Tracking Systems: Data from Jira, Bugzilla, etc. (bug reports, feature requests, task completions).
  • Code Review Tools: Data from tools like Gerrit, Phabricator, or GitHub/GitLab (review comments, approval/rejection).
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Logs from Jenkins, CircleCI, TravisCI (build success/failure rates, deployment logs).
  • Static Code Analysis Tools: Reports from SonarQube, ESLint, etc.
  • Testing Tools: Test coverage reports, test execution results.
  • Performance Monitoring Tools: Metrics from tools like New Relic, Datadog (performance data, error rates).

2. Data Preprocessing

Data Cleaning

  • Remove Duplicates: Ensure no duplicate records.
  • Handle Missing Values: Impute or remove missing data.
  • Normalize Data: Scale numerical features for consistency.

Data Integration

  • Merge Data: Combine data from various sources based on commit IDs or timestamps.
  • Feature Extraction: Extract relevant features such as lines of code changed, cyclomatic complexity, past bug frequency, etc.

3. Feature Engineering

Code Complexity Features

  • Lines of Code (LOC)
  • Cyclomatic Complexity
  • Code Churn
  • Dependency Count
  • Code Coverage

Historical Data Features

  • Past Bug Frequency
  • Past Change Frequency
  • Developer Experience

Code Quality Features

  • Static Code Analysis Scores
  • Linting Errors/Warnings
  • Code Review Feedback

Testing Features

  • Test Coverage
  • Test Pass Rate
  • Test Execution Results

Deployment Features

  • Deployment Frequency
  • Deployment Success Rate
  • Rollback Frequency

Review Features

  • Review Comments Count
  • Time to Review
  • Review Approval Rate

Contextual Features

  • Number of Files Changed
  • Criticality of Affected Modules
  • Cross-Team Impact

4. Model Selection and Training

Model Selection

  • Classification Algorithms: Choose algorithms suitable for classification tasks such as Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, or Neural Networks.
  • Feature Importance: Use models that can provide feature importance to understand which features contribute most to the risk prediction.

Model Training

  • Train-Test Split: Split data into training and testing sets.
  • Cross-Validation: Use cross-validation for robust evaluation.
  • Hyperparameter Tuning: Optimize model parameters using techniques like Grid Search or Random Search.

5. Model Evaluation


  • Accuracy: Proportion of correct predictions.
  • Precision and Recall: Measure of exactness and completeness.
  • F1 Score: Harmonic mean of precision and recall.
  • ROC-AUC: Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve.

Model Validation

  • Confusion Matrix: To evaluate true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives.
  • Feature Importance Analysis: Understand the impact of each feature.

6. Model Deployment


  • CI/CD Pipeline: Integrate the model into your CI/CD pipeline to evaluate risk tags during the development process.
  • API Deployment: Deploy the model as an API to be consumed by other services.


  • Model Drift: Monitor for changes in model performance over time.
  • Feedback Loop: Collect feedback on predictions to improve the model.

7. Continuous Improvement


  • Periodic Retraining: Update the model periodically with new data.
  • Incremental Learning: Implement techniques to incrementally update the model with new data.

A/B Testing

  • Experimentation: Conduct A/B tests to validate the impact of risk tags on development outcomes.

Example Workflow

  1. Data Collection: Gather data from version control, issue tracking, code review, CI/CD, static analysis, and testing tools.
  2. Data Preprocessing: Clean and merge data, extract relevant features.
  3. Feature Engineering: Develop features that capture code complexity, historical data, code quality, testing, deployment, review, and contextual information.
  4. Model Training: Select a classification algorithm, train the model using a train-test split and cross-validation, tune hyperparameters.
  5. Model Evaluation: Use metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and ROC-AUC to evaluate the model.
  6. Deployment: Integrate the model into the CI/CD pipeline, deploy as an API, and monitor performance.
  7. Continuous Improvement: Retrain the model periodically, implement feedback loops, and conduct A/B testing for validation.

By following these steps, you can develop an AI model that effectively assesses the risk of code changes and generates useful "change risk tags" to guide your development and deployment processes.