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EC2 Instance types

It just got easier to discover and compare EC2 instance types | AWS Compute Blog

GitHub - aws/amazon-ec2-instance-selector: A CLI tool and go library which recommends instance types based on resource criteria like vcpus and memory

Amazon EC2 Instance Comparison

Amazon EC2 R8g Instances | Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services - YouTube

Price Comparison

Instance TypesOn DemandSpot1 Yr Reserved3 Yr Reserved

Price comparison between graviton, amd and intel

Region - Mumbai -

Instance TypesOn DemandSpot1 Yr Reserved3 Yr ReservedCheaper than below on-demandCostlier than above on-demand
  • Graviton is 9% cheaper than AMD and 50% cheaper than Intel
  • AMD Instances are 45% cheaper than Intel and 10% costlier than graviton

Price comparison between spot, reserved and on-demand

m6g.largeCheaper than on-demandCostiler than Spot
3 Yr Reserved$15.9957%25%
1 Yr Reserved$23.2937%82%
On Demand$36.94189%
  • Spot is 65% cheaper than on-demand
  • 1 year reserved is 37% cheaper than on-demand

m6g.large pricing and specs - Vantage

EC2 Instance Types

General PurposeA1, T3, T3a, T2, M6g, M5, M5a, M5n, M4
Compute OptimizedC5, C5n, C4
Memory OptimizedR5, R5a, R5n, R4, X1e, X1, High Memory, z1d
Accelerated ComputingP3, P2, Inf1, G4, G3, F1
Storage OptimizedI3, I3en, D2, H1

The "d" in "m5ad" indicates that these instances come with local NVMe SSD storage, which can provide low-latency, high-speed storage options.

Instance FamilyExampleUse Cases
Memory optimizedR5Memory-intensive applications, High-performance databases, Distributed in-memory caches
Storage optimizedI3Workloads with high-volume IOPS requiring low-latency, internet-scale nonrelational databases
Burstable performanceT2Consistent cost for unpredictable workloads, Smaller databases with spiky usage
ScenarioPossible Instance Choice with Explanation
Small database in Amazon RDS with moderate activity levels for which cost is more important than latencydb.m5 standard DB instance class offering a balance of compute, memory, and network resources
A 12-GB write-heavy workload in Amazon ElastiCache for Redis with 2 shardscache.r5.xlarge memory-optimized instances with 26 GiB of memory
A memory-intensive workload in Amazon RDS using Oracle under an existing license for 2 CPUsdb.m4.xlarge with hyperthreading disabled to remain in compliance with licenses
Instance SizevCPUMemory (GiB)Instance Storage (GiB)Network Bandwidth (Gbps)EBS Bandwidth (Mbps)Cost per hourCost per month
m5.large28EBS-OnlyUp to 10Up to 4,750$0.056$40.32
m5.xlarge416EBS-OnlyUp to 10Up to 4,750$0.111$79.92
m5.2xlarge832EBS-OnlyUp to 10Up to 4,750$0.222$159.84
m5.4xlarge1664EBS-OnlyUp to 104,750$0.444$319.68
  • i - intel CPUs
  • a - AMD CPUs
  • g - Graviton based processors

Evolution of AWS General Purpose Instances

Amazon EC2 z1d Instances - Delivering a sustained all core frequency of up to 4.0 GHz, and a high memory to vCPU ratio - z1d.xlarge (4,32) - $271.56 monthly

Amazon EC2 - P2 Instances - Powerful, Scalable GPU instances for high-performance computing - p2.xlarge (4,61) - $657 monthly

Amazon EC2’s New I2 Instance Type – Available Now! | AWS News Blog - The I2 instance type was designed to host I/O intensive workloads typically generated by relational databases, NoSQL databases, and transactional systems. The largest I2 instance type can deliver over 365K random reads per second and over 315K random writes per second, both measured with a block size of 4 KB. With four instance sizes, you can start small and scale up as your storage and I/O needs grow. - i2.xlarge (4,30) - $622 monthly

Now available: D2 instances, the latest generation of Amazon EC2 Dense-storage instances - D2 instances are designed for workloads that require high sequential read and write access to very large data sets, such as Hadoop distributed computing, massively parallel processing data warehousing, and log processing applications. - d2.xlarge (4,30) - $503 monthly


Ubuntu 16.04 LTS AMI - ami-2757f631

Ubuntu 16.10 AMI - ami-b374d5a5

Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type- ami-0620d12a9cf777c87 (64-bit x86) / ami-06b0afcb36d2e27ef (64-bit Arm)

Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type- ami-0c28d7c6dd94fb3a7 (64-bit x86) / ami-08f567e9a6f67fbee (64-bit Arm)

Flex Instances

C7i-flex offers five of the most common sizes from large to 8xlarge, delivering 19 percent better price performance than Amazon EC2 C6i instances.

New compute-optimized (C7i-flex) Amazon EC2 Flex instances | AWS News Blog

Introducing Amazon EC2 C7i-flex instances


  • M5a instances offers up to 10% savings for customers who are looking to further cost optimize their Amazon EC2 compute environments.
  • Kernel Live Patching for Amazon Linux 2 is now generally available
  • The M5a is ~10% cheaper.
  • vCPUs and Memory are equal.
  • The Intel CPU is 20% faster, using Intel Turbo Boost (hence the “up to 3.1 Ghz”)
  • The Intel instance has 20% more network bandwidth and 40% more EBS bandwidth.

  • Spot instances (discount upto 90%)
    • No bidding
    • Ideal for
      • Fault tolerant
      • Flexible
      • Lossely coupled
      • Stateless workloads

  • On-demand instances
  • Reserved instances (discount upto 75%)
    • Ex - m5a.4xlarge



  • Savings plans (discount upto 66%)
  • Dedicated hosts

Differences Between Intel, AMD, and Graviton

Intel, AMD, and Graviton each come with tradeoffs:

  • CPU Architecture: Intel and AMD have x86-based architecture, while Graviton has 64-bit Arm Neoverse cores. The architecture affects software compatibility and performance. Arm-based architecture, in particular, has potential compatibility issues with certain software that may not be supported or may require refactoring. A common reason in the past not to use Graviton was vendor lock-in, as Arm is not as widely supported, which is still true, however, Azure and Google (as of this month) both now have Arm processors available.

  • Threading: Intel and AMD support simultaneous multithreading, enabling “multiple threads to run concurrently on a single CPU core.” Graviton, on the other hand, does not, and every vCPU is a physical core. Some workloads, like data analytics, are more efficient on a multithreaded workload, whereas others, such as gaming, perform better on single-threaded workloads. Note—you can disable multithreading by setting one thread per code.

  • Price Performance: Graviton is advertised by AWS to have better price performance, in some cases up to 40%, than comparable Intel and AMD instances. Independent benchmarks comparing similar instances, such as this one by Scylla, also find Graviton to be more price-performant. This is due in part to Arm-based processors having lower power consumption and more competitive margins since Graviton is owned by Amazon. Graviton is an excellent choice for those who are prioritizing cost.

  • Performance: Benchmarks show various results since performance is so specific to use cases. As such, if you’re choosing between instances, consider running your workload on different instances to compare.

Intel vs AMD vs Graviton: Amazon EC2 Processor Differences and Distribution


AWSPremiumSupport-ChangeInstanceTypeIntelToAMD - AWS Systems Manager Automation runbook reference

AMD vs. Intel: Unveiling the Best EC2 Instance Choice


EC2 Instance metadata and user data

Instance metadata is data about your instance that you can use to configure or manage the running instance. Instance metadata is divided into categories, for example, host name, events, and security groups.

EC2 instance metadata is a service accessible from within EC2 instances, which allows querying or managing data about a given running instance.

It is possible to retrieve an instance’s IAM access key by accessing the iam/security-credentials/role-name metadata category. This returns a temporary set of credentials that the EC2 instance automatically uses for communicating with AWS services.

Instance metadata and user data - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

AWS Systems Manager

Working with the file system - AWS Systems Manager

Systems Manager Automation runbook reference - AWS Systems Manager Automation runbook reference

AWS Systems Manager Fleet Manager - AWS Systems Manager

AWS Systems Manager Inventory - AWS Systems Manager

Instance Scheduler

Instance Scheduler on AWS

Automate starting and stopping AWS instances - Instance Scheduler on AWS

AWS AppConfig

  • Feature Flags

AWS AppConfig feature flags and dynamic configurations help software builders quickly and securely adjust application behavior in production environments without full code deployments. AWS AppConfig speeds up software release frequency, improves application resiliency, and helps you address emergent issues more quickly. With feature flags, you can gradually release new capabilities to users and measure the impact of those changes before fully deploying the new capabilities to all users. With operational flags and dynamic configurations, you can update block lists, allow lists, throttling limits, logging verbosity, and perform other operational tuning to quickly respond to issues in production environments.

What is AWS AppConfig? - AWS AppConfig


Bottlerocket is a Linux-based open-source operating system that is purpose-built by Amazon Web Services for running containers on virtual machines or bare metal hosts. Most customers today run containerized applications on general-purpose operating systems that are updated package-by-package, which makes OS updates difficult to automate. Updates to Bottlerocket are applied in a single step rather than package-by-package. This single-step update process helps reduce management overhead by making OS updates easy to automate using container orchestration services such as Amazon EKS. The single-step updates also improve uptime for container applications by minimizing update failures and enabling easy update rollbacks. Additionally, Bottlerocket includes only the essential software to run containers, which improves resource usage and reduces the attack surface.

EC2 Image Builder


Spot Instances

Spot Instances - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Best practices for EC2 Spot - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Upgrading instance generation checklist