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Infrastructure Tools

  1. Terraform and Ansible for IaC
  2. Kubernetes
    1. Ingress Controller - Nginx
  3. Docker and docker-compose (for local development)
  4. Artifact Repositories
    1. GAR
    2. GCR
    3. Azure Repo
    4. ECR
    5. Nexus
    6. Artifactory
  5. Velero for DR
  6. Web Servers - Nginx
  7. LoadBalancers - HA proxy / Nginx
  8. Secrets Manager
    1. Vault
    2. AWS KMS
    3. GCP
    4. Azure Secrets
  9. Chaos Engineering - gremlin
  10. Documentation tool - Confluence
  11. Project Management tool - JIRA
  12. Communication tool - Slack / Google chats

VCS Tools

  1. Code Repository
    1. GitHub
    2. GitLab
    3. BitBucket
    4. AWS CodeCommit
  2. Code Standardization
  3. Pre-commit hooks
    1. detect-aws-credentials
    2. detect-private-key
  4. Formatter - black (for python), etc
  5. Static Code Analysis
  6. SonarQube / CodeScene
  7. Linters (based on coding languages)
  8. Dependabot (github / gitlab)
    1. Top Alternatives for Dependabot
    2. Dependency Management with Renovate: Beyond the Limits of Dependabot
    3. Renovate Docs
    4. GitHub - renovatebot/tutorial: Renovate Bot Tutorial source
    5. GitHub - renovatebot/renovate: Home of the Renovate CLI: Cross-platform Dependency Automation by

CI Tools

  1. Jenkins
  2. Secret Scanning - GitLeaks
  3. Creds Scanner - Trivy
  4. Security Vulnerability - Bandit
  5. SAST
    1. Open Source
      1. Bandit
      2. Brakeman
      3. Checkmarx CxSAST with Limited Functionalities
      4. Flawfinder
      5. SonarQube
      6. pylint-secure-coding-standard
      7. SpotBugs (Find Security Bug Plugin)
    2. Enterprise
      1. Checkmarx CxSAST
      2. Kiuwan
      3. Veracode
      4. Fortify
      5. Coverity
      6. IBM Security AppScan
      7. CAST
      8. Qualys - IT Security and Compliance Platform | Qualys, Inc.
      9. RedHat Advanced Cluster Security For Kubernetes (only K8s)
  6. SCA
    1. Open Source
      1. OWSAP Dependency-Check
      2. Retire.js
      3. CycloneDX
      4. OSS Review Toolkit (ORT)
      5. Licenses Golang Package
    2. Enterprise
      1. Black Duck
      2. WhiteSource
      3. Aqua Trivy
      4. JFrog Xray
      5. FOSSA
      6. Snyk
      7. Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle
      8. RedHat Advanced Cluster Security For Kubernetes (Only K8s)
      9. Veracode Software Composition Analysis
  7. DAST
    1. Open source - OWASP ZAP
    2. Enterprise - Acunetix
  8. License Scanner - License Finder
  9. Web App Security - OSWAP
  10. Unit Tests
  11. Code Coverage

CD Tools

  1. Jenkins
  2. Deployment patterns
    1. Canary releases
    2. A/B testing
    3. Vulnerability scanning
    4. Rollbacks
  3. Selenium

Monitoring Tools

  1. Prometheus
  2. Grafana
  3. Alertmanager
  4. Service mesh - Istio + kiali
  5. APM - Elastalert (free) / newrelic / datadog
  6. Distributed tracing - Jaeger

Logging Tools

  1. Elasticsearch + Kibana or Grafana Loki
  2. Forwarders - Filebeat / Fluentd / Fluentbit / Logstash
  3. Sentry - Application exception management and error tracking tool

DB Tools

  1. New age DBs - MongoDB / Elasticsearch / Cassandra / Redis
  2. CDC Tool - Debezium / flyway
  3. Event driven system - Kafka
  4. Data Warehouses - BigQuery / Redshift / Clickhouse / Databricks
  5. Visualization tools - Metabase / Tableau / PowerBI
  6. DB migration tools - Liquibase / Flyway

Modernization Tools

  1. Airflow
  2. Identity management - Keycloak / Active Directory

Security Tools

  1. WAF and VPN
  2. SSO and JWT
  3. Security Audits - AWS Audit Manager / ScoutSuite

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GitHub - one2nc/cloudlens: k9s like CLI for AWS and GCP