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Creating a new account

  1. Signup
  2. Create admin group
  3. Create account alias
  4. Transfer billing account to admin group users -
  5. Never use your root credentials again
  6. Create billing alarms


The AWS CDK lets you build reliable, scalable, cost-effective applications in the cloud with the considerable expressive power of a programming language. This approach yields many benefits, including:

  • Build with high-level constructs that automatically provide sensible, secure defaults for your AWS resources, defining more infrastructure with less code.
  • Use programming idioms like parameters, conditionals, loops, composition, and inheritance to model your system design from building blocks provided by AWS and others.
  • Put your infrastructure, application code, and configuration all in one place, ensuring that at every milestone you have a complete, cloud-deployable system.
  • Employ software engineering practices such as code reviews, unit tests, and source control to make your infrastructure more robust.
  • Connect your AWS resources together (even across stacks) and grant permissions using simple, intent-oriented APIs.
  • Import existing AWS CloudFormation templates to give your resources a CDK API.
  • Use the power of AWS CloudFormation to perform infrastructure deployments predictably and repeatedly, with rollback on error.
  • Easily share infrastructure design patterns among teams within your organization or even with the public.

What is the AWS CDK? - AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) v2

AWS Data Lab

AWS Data Lab offers accelerated, joint engineering engagements between customers and AWS technical resources to create tangible deliverables that accelerate databases, analytics, artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML), application & infrastructure modernization, and DataOps initiatives.

Data Lab has three offerings - the Build Lab, the Design Lab, and Resident Architect.

AWS Data Lab

Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB)

AWS expands Amazon Managed Blockchain with Access and Query | AWS Database Blog

AWS Tag Editor

Using Tag Editor - Tagging AWS Resources


What is myApplications on AWS - AWS Management Console

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery