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Cost Optimization / Explorer / Billing

Cost Optimization with AWS

Cloud Financial Management with AWS

AWS Cost Explorer

  • APS3: Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
  • APS5: Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)
  • GDA - Glacier Deep Archive
  • CUR - Cost and Usage Report

Different Costs Type

Unblended costs

The vast majority of AWS customers use the unblended cost dataset to understand their usage. This is the cost dataset presented to you on the Bills page. It’s the default option for analyzing costs using AWS Cost Explorer or setting custom budgets using AWS Budgets.

Unblended costs represent your usage costs on the day they are charged to you. In finance terms, they represent your costs on a cash basis of accounting. For most of you, this is the only cost dataset that you will ever need.

Amortized costs

Viewing your amortized costs is useful in cases in which it doesn’t make sense to view your costs on the day that they were charged. Or, as many of finance owners say, it’s useful to view costs on an accrual basis rather than a cash basis. This cost dataset is especially useful for those of you who have purchased AWS Reservations such as Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances.

Savings Plans and Reservations often have upfront or recurring monthly fees associated with them. As you can see in the first chart, these recurring fees are charged on the first day of the month. That can lead to a spike on one day, if you are using unblended costs as your cost dataset. When you toggle over to amortized costs, these recurring costs (as well as any upfront costs) are distributed evenly across the month.

Blended costs

Blended costs were originally created to support customers who chose to consolidate their billing under a single paying account. Nowadays, these costs are not used frequently due to the way that they are calculated.

Blended costs are calculated by multiplying each account’s service usage against something called a blended rate. A blended rate is the average rate of on-demand usage, as well as Savings Plans- and reservation-related usage, that is consumed by member accounts in an organization for a particular service.

Understanding your AWS Cost Datasets: A Cheat Sheet | AWS Cloud Financial Management

AWS Cost Explorer now supports Hourly and Resource Level Granularity

Resource-level data at daily granularity - AWS Cost Management

  • In Cost Explorer, you can enable resource-level data for your chosen AWS services at daily granularity for the past 14 days.
  • We will disable resource-level data at daily granularity for your organization if no one in the organization accesses it in three consecutive months. However, if you need the data, you can re-enable it in Cost Management preferences.

Cost Anomaly Detection

AWS Cost Anomaly Detection

AWS Cost Optimization Hub

Consolidate and Prioritize Cost Optimization Opportunities

Cost Optimization Hub allows you to easily identify, filter, and consolidate over 15 types of AWS cost optimization recommendations, such as EC2 instance rightsizing recommendations, Graviton migration recommendations, idle resource detection, and Savings Plans recommendations across your AWS accounts and AWS Regions within your organization through a single dashboard, so that you can get the most out of your AWS spend. Cost Optimization Hub helps you quantify and aggregate estimated savings of these recommendations, taking your specific discount with AWS, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans, into consideration, so you can easily compare and prioritize recommendations. With Cost Optimization Hub, you can get answers to your cost optimization questions within minutes, such as “How much can I save by implementing rightsizing recommendations?” “Which AWS accounts have the most cost optimization opportunities?” and “What are the top 3 actions I can take to save costs?” and drive cost optimization initiatives through a single pane of glass.

Cost Optimization Hub

Introducing Cost Optimization Hub

Rightsizing Recommendations

Optimizing your cost with Rightsizing Recommendations - AWS Cost Management

AWS Compute Optimizer


  1. We can use this AWS service for Databases running on EC2 for rightsizing recommendation
  2. It did not provide recommendations specifically for Amazon RDS

Supported resources and requirements

Compute Optimizer generates recommendations for the following resources:

  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances
  • Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups
  • Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes
  • AWS Lambda functions
  • Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) services on AWS Fargate
  • Commercial software licenses

AWS Trusted Advisor

  • We can use AWS Trusted Advisor service that provides best practice recommendations across various categories, including cost optimization.
  • While it may not directly recommend RDS resizing, it offers insights into cost-effective resource utilization and can highlight opportunities for optimization.

Organizational view for AWS Trusted Advisor - AWS Support

CUDOS Dashboard / CID (Cloud Intelligence Dashboard)

Savings plan Utilization Report and Coverage Report

Utilization Report: Measures the amount of the savings plan you are using. If it's less than 100% it means that you reserved more than you need.

Coverage Report: Measures the percentage of your costs covered by the savings plan. If it's less than 100%, you can increase your savings plan to optimize costs.

Ideally, both should be 100%, but I would say that it's more important to keep the utilization report at 100% because it's already a fixed cost that you already acquired. The coverage report indicates further improvement opportunities to reduce costs.

amazon web services - Difference Between AWS SAVING PLAN Coverage Report vs Utilization Report - Stack Overflow

Using the utilization report - Savings Plans

Using your coverage report - Savings Plans

Compute Savings Plans – Amazon Web Services

Reserved Instances

With Aurora MySQL they have size flexibility -- so they can purchase a T3.Large, and run 4 T3.Smalls to get the discount (or whatever the size factor is). However, they must commit to the T3 family. They will not be able to get the discount by running a T2 RDS instance. That T2 will be billed on-demand rates.

Also RDS RI purchased in one account can be used in another account if RI sharing is enabled (consolidated billing)

Reserved Instances for RDS Aurora | AWS re:Post

Reserved Instances and Savings Plans discount sharing - AWS Billing

Billing examples for specific services - AWS Billing

Does RI sharing in orgs apply to RDS RIs too? | AWS re:Post

Reservations Utilization Report and Coverage Report

Reserved Instance Reporting

Other Tools

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Wrong Costs

AWS Wrong Costs

AWS Wrong Data Transfer Costs