Office Projects
OpsTree (Dec'23 - Present)
- Freecharge - Cost Optimization and Database Administration
- Careers360 Cost Optimization
- Azure Social Media Analytics
- Airflow and Kafka Migration
- AWS Gen AI Hackathon
- Mozark - Cloud Cost Optimization and Performance Enhancement
Account Management / Sales
- Data Engineering Product Pitch IoT Industry
- MLOps Master Document
- Problems in IoT Industry
- IoT Case Studies
- Data Engineering - Battle Cards
- Pull Request Risk Tagging Heuristics
- Use Cases: AIML in Logistics and Warehousing
- Data Practical Use Cases
- RAG Presentation
- Opstree Standard Proposal Format
- Podcast - Streamlining Cloud Migration Through Data Engineering
- Podcast - Stream Processing using Kafka and Flink
- Document Data Extraction
- On-Premise MLOps Platform
- Cloud Based SAAS Data Platform
- AI Powered Call Quality Monitoring
- Data Stack Evaluation & Optimization
Case Studies
- Data Engineering Case Studies
- General Application Management Case Study
- Application Management Case Study - Telecom
- MLOps Case Studies
- Case Study: Anomaly Detection in Metric Data using Isolation Forest
- GenAI Case Study - Careers360
- Traditional AI Case Studies
- Agri Tech Digital Transformation Case Study Data Engineering (Mar'23 - Nov'23)
- Stashfin (Feb'20 - Feb'23)
- Stashfin Terms (Feb'20 - Feb'23)
- Stashfin Metrics (Feb'20 - Feb'23)
- Stashfin Customer Support (Nov'22 - Feb'23)
- Stashfin Twitter Bot (Nov'22 - Feb'23)
- Stashfin Team Management / Culture (Sep'21 - Feb'23)
- Stashfin Security IAM APIs (Feb'20 - Feb'23)
- Stashfin Devops Overhaul (Feb'20 - Jan'21)
- Stashfin Tech Stack / Infra (Feb'20 - Feb'23)
- Stashfin AIML Use Cases & Implementation (Feb'20 - Feb'23)
Zenatix (Aug'17 - Jan'20)
CISO Cybersecurity
CISO Cybersecurity (Dec'16 - July'17)
Personal Projects
- Interview - Datainsight Alerting Engine (Nov'2023)
- GitHub - deepaksood619/react-shopping-cart (May'21)
- GitHub - deepaksood619/FCC-Weather-App: FreeCodeCamp Weather Application Project FCC-Weather-App (Jan'18)
- GitHub - deepaksood619/FCC-Algorithm-Scripting: A Collection of JS Algorithm Scripting Challenges @FreeCodeCamp (Dec'17 - Dec'21)
- CodePen - Bubble Blast using AnimeJS (Dec'17)
- GitHub - deepaksood619/FCC-Random-Quote-Machine: A site that gives Random Quotes, an FreeCodeCamp project CodePen - FCC-RandomQuoteMachine (Dec'17)
- GitHub - deepaksood619/FCC-Tribute-Linus-Torvalds: A basic HTML and bootstrap site for FreeCodeCamp Tribute Project FCC-Tribute Page for Linus Torvalds (Dec'17)
- GitHub - deepaksood619/RegexCrossword: Solution to RegexCrossword Puzzles (Oct'17 - Nov'17)
- Profile -
- Stats -
- GitHub - deepaksood619/JavaScriptTicTacToe: JavaScript TicTacToe using MiniMax Algorithm JS Tic Tac Toe - MiniMax (Oct'17)
- GitHub - deepaksood619/python-challenge: Solution to python challenge (Aug'17 - Dec'21)
- Solving Python Challenge that includes a lot of hard problem solving puzzles.
- Deepak Kumar Sood - Deepak Sood GitHub - deepaksood619/website-old: My Old Portfolio Website - (Aug'17 - Aug'21)
- Created using Jekyll and hosted in GitHub Pages. Used minimal mistakes as my theme, used liquid templating language to write modifications and additions to build a blogging website
- GitHub - deepaksood619/MyWebsite: My Website from scratch. (Apr'17)
- GitHub - deepaksood619/Competitive-Programming:, (July'17 - Present)
- My repository where I maintain all the competitive programming questions that I have solved. It's a collection of problems from various sites like HackerRank, GeeksForGeeks, HackerEarth, CodeChef, LeetCode, and basic algorithms and data structure questions
- Others
Kaggle Notebooks
College Projects
Sangoshthi: Phase - 2 Deployment, Guide: Dr. Pushpendra Singh, (Apr'17 - July'18)
VideoCutNTrim: A novice video editing platform. Guide: Dr. Pushpendra Singh, (Jan'17 - Apr'17) Team Size -1
An Android application with a simple user interface for ASHA workers, where they can create and edit stories using audio, image and video. Used ffmpeg for video processing operations like trimming and joining.
Building a Distributed System for Collecting Health Data using Mobile Devices. Guide: Dr. Pushpendra Singh, (Aug'16 - Nov'16) Team Size - 1
Used Open Data Kit (ODK) platform for creating, deployment, collection and analysis of large scale data from geographically and culturally distributed people using mobile devices.
User study framework. Guide: Dr. Pushpendra Singh, (Jun'16 - Oct'16) Team Size - 1
Created an android application framework to collect all the stats and user usability data of the 3 apps, Numerical, Word and Image dynamic password protection for shoulder surfing proofing.
- Android UserStudy using ADL, ContentResolver, SharedPreferences, ScreenRecording, Apache HSSF Sheet
- Dynamic Password Numerical
- Dynamic Password Word/Text
- Dynamic Password Image
Sangoshthi: Empowering Community Health Workers through Peer Learning in Rural India. Guide: Dr. Pushpendra Singh, (Jun'16 - Nov'16) Team Size - 2
As part of a research project, created an Android application that combines Internet and IVR technology to host real time training sessions with the Community Health Workers (CHW) having access to basic phones only. This application is used as a peer learning technology for hosting sessions by experts to CHWs on various health related issues regarding women.
Worked with NewCastle, UK - Radio Health Diagnosis
BookXchange, An Android Application. Guide: Dr. Pushpendra Singh, (Mar'16 - May'16) Team Size - 3
As part of our end semester project, created a new concept app for adding location stamped books for exchanging it with other users. Users can register via google or facebook api. All the data like name, profile picture is fetched from the api's. Used google play services as map provider and gps for getting location information. Parse used as a cloud database provider and amazon search api used for fetching book details after scanning the book using integrated barcode scanner. All the material design guidelines followed for app design.
Muster, A Chat Application. Guide: Dr. Pushpendra Singh, (Apr'16 - May'16) Team Size - 3
An Android chat application with features like registration through 2-step verification, friends and contacts list, group chat, broadcast and one to one chat. Used RabbitMQ to pass messages, AWS DynamoDB as backend database and 3rd party API for sms based verification.
TA Allocation Portal. Guide: Dr. Pushpendra Singh, (Feb'16) Team Size - 3
Using Spring as a build framework, created a TA allocation portal with login and registration for students and faculties, With a predefined set of rules, TA's were allocated to faculties' courses.
ConnectBook Social Networking Website. Guide: Manish Shrotriya, (Jun'16) Team Size - 1
ConnectBook, as part of Object Oriented Programming & Design final project, is a mini social networking site with all social networking functionalities. Extensive use of Java Design Patterns along with frameworks like spring and bootstrap were used.
PopMov (Mar'16)
An android application that fetches data from TheMovieDB api and show data to users using grid layout in cardview, optimized for tablet view using fragments in master-detail flow. Users can sort movies using different filters. Watch trailer, see detailed information, trailers and reviews of the selected movie. Information can be saved offline in favourites by the user. Libraries used - Volley, Picasso, ButterKnife.
Rudimentary File System of Unix Environment. Guide: Dr. Sambuddho Chakravarty, (Jan'16 - May, 16) Team Size-1
As part of Security Engineering course, I implemented the Unix file system environment in a client-server communication. I designed ACL to store user permissions and implemented commands for user to communicate with server.
A Basic C Compiler. Guide: Dr. Apala Guha, (Sep'15 - Dec'15) Team Size- 2
In compiler course, we implemented a basic c compiler generating tokens, lexemes, AST, and finally generating assembly code for x86 architecture.
Family Tracking Mobile Application. Guide: Dr. Vinayak Naik, (Nov'15 - Dec'15) Team Size-4
As part of our project in Mobile Computing, we made an android app for tracking friends and families in real time on google map. My role in the project was to implement the GUI and Authentication by Google and Facebook using their API's.
Automatic License Plate Detection. Guide: Ms. Rashi Bais, (Apr'15- June'15) Team Size-3
As part of Major Project, our group used image processing toolbox of Matlab to find the license plate from a given car image and used OCR to extract numbers from license plate and display it.
Tool used - Matlab
Online Voting System. Guide: Ms. Rashi Bais, (Apr'14 - May'14) Team Size-3
As part of Minor Project, our group made an online portal for voting where users can vote from anywhere in the world, results can also be generated instantly.
Stack - .NET framework, SQL Database
Image Processing Contest (2014)
Indian Institue of Science image processing contest, in which we have to use Machine learning classification problem, to Classify objects such as building, cars, shoes and people in to their own category with a learning set of 2000+ photos and a actual set of 500 photos - 2014.