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Roadmap / Learning

Week 1: SQL Basics, Querying Fundamentals, and Migration Processes

Day 1: Introduction to SQL & SQL Syntax


  • Overview of databases and SQL.
  • Introduction to relational databases and their structures.
  • Learn SQL basic commands: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.
  • Understand SQL query structure and filtering with WHERE.

Topics Covered

  • Databases and relational databases.
  • Filtering data using WHERE, ORDER BY, and LIMIT.


  • HackerRank Exercises: Complete 5-10 challenges on basic SQL syntax (focusing on SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, WHERE).
  • Notes: Summary of SQL syntax, basic commands, and how WHERE, ORDER BY, and LIMIT work.

End of Day Test

  • HackerRank Test: Complete basic SQL query challenges based on the day’s lessons.

Day 2: Working with Data Types & Basic Operators


  • Understand SQL Data Types (INT, VARCHAR, DATE, etc.).
  • Learn data type conversion in SQL.
  • Use arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators in SQL queries.

Topics Covered

  • Data types in SQL: INT, VARCHAR, DATE.
  • Data type conversion using CAST() and CONVERT().
  • Arithmetic operators, comparison operators, and logical operators (AND, OR, NOT).


  • HackerRank Exercises: Complete exercises focused on data types and operators.
  • Notes: Explanation of common data types and examples of using operators (AND, OR, arithmetic, etc.).

End of Day Test

  • HackerRank Test: Focus on solving SQL problems related to operators and data types.

Day 3: Aggregate Functions & Grouping Data


  • Use aggregate functions: COUNT(), SUM(), AVG(), MIN(), MAX().
  • Learn to group data with GROUP BY and filter groups using HAVING.

Topics Covered

  • Using aggregate functions.
  • Understanding and using GROUP BY and HAVING clauses.


  • HackerRank Exercises: Complete challenges using aggregate functions and GROUP BY.
  • Notes: Examples of aggregate functions and how GROUP BY and HAVING are used.

End of Day Test

  • HackerRank Test: Solve challenges on grouping and aggregating data.

Day 4: Joins and Relationships


  • Learn and apply different types of joins: INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL OUTER JOIN.
  • Understand self joins and cross joins.
  • Learn how to join multiple tables.

Topics Covered

  • Self joins, cross joins, and joining multiple tables.


  • HackerRank Exercises: Complete 5-7 challenges focusing on different types of joins.
  • Notes: Detailed explanation of the different types of joins and when to use them.

End of Day Test

  • HackerRank Test: Solve multiple challenges based on joins (e.g., inner, outer joins).

Day 5: Migration Process & Data Validation (Part 1)


  • Understand roles and responsibilities in database migration.
  • Learn how to prepare data for migration and ensure data integrity.

Topics Covered

  • Overview of migration responsibilities.
  • Ensuring data integrity during migration.
  • Handling errors in migration.


  • Project Work: Draft a migration plan based on sample data (Project details can be found in the course materials or provided by your instructor).
  • Notes: Key steps in the database migration process.

End of Day Test

  • Case Study: Provide a sample data migration plan, covering preparation, error handling, and integrity checks.

Day 6: Migration Process & Data Validation (Part 2)


  • Learn how to check data consistency post-migration.
  • Validate table structures and relationships after migration.

Topics Covered

  • Verifying data integrity post-migration (using row counts, hash checks, etc.).
  • Validating tables with the same columns, checking indexes, constraints, and relationships.


  • Project Work: Use SQL queries to check data consistency post-migration.
  • Notes: Techniques for checking data consistency and validating table structures.

End of Day Test

  • SQL Practice: Run SQL queries to check data consistency (e.g., row counts, hash checks).

Day 7: Project 1 – SQL Basics Practice


  • Reinforce concepts learned so far with hands-on practice.


  • SQL Murder Mystery Game: Complete the SQL Murder Mystery challenge (interactive SQL challenge where you solve a crime using SQL queries).
  • Project Work: Solve 2-3 practical SQL problems that include basic queries, joins, and aggregation.
  • Notes: Reflection on the week’s learning, highlighting key concepts and areas of difficulty.

End of Day Test

  • SQL Murder Mystery: Solve the mystery using SQL queries.

Week 2: Advanced SQL Concepts, CTEs, and Optimization Techniques

Day 8: Common Table Expressions (CTEs)


  • Learn the purpose of CTEs in SQL.
  • Understand CTE syntax and use cases.
  • Apply CTEs with ranking functions like ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), DENSE_RANK().

Topics Covered

  • Introduction to CTEs and their benefits over subqueries.
  • Using CTEs for ranking data (e.g., ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), DENSE_RANK()).


  • HackerRank Exercises: Complete challenges that use CTEs and ranking functions.
  • Notes: Summary of CTEs, their advantages, and examples using ranking functions.

End of Day Test

  • HackerRank Test: Focus on solving problems with CTEs and ranking functions.

Day 9: Aggregating Data with CTEs


  • Learn how to use CTEs for data aggregation.
  • Handle partitioned data for better performance using CTEs.

Topics Covered

  • Aggregating data using CTEs with functions like AVG(), COUNT(), etc.
  • Partitioning data within CTEs to improve performance.


  • Project Work: Practice aggregating data using CTEs and partitioning.
  • Notes: How to use CTEs for aggregation and partitioning.

End of Day Test

  • SQL Practice: Write queries that aggregate data using CTEs.

Day 10: Temporary Tables


  • Understand the role of temporary tables.
  • Learn to create, insert, and use temporary tables in SQL queries.

Topics Covered

  • Differences between temporary and permanent tables.
  • Use cases for temporary tables in large queries.


  • HackerRank Exercises: Practice using temporary tables in SQL queries.
  • Notes: Summary of temporary tables and when to use them.

End of Day Test

  • SQL Practice: Solve problems using temporary tables.

Day 11: Indexing in SQL


  • Learn how indexing improves query performance.
  • Understand different types of indexes (unique, composite, full-text).
  • Analyze execution plans and optimize queries using indexes.

Topics Covered

  • Types of indexes and their impact on performance.
  • How to read and interpret execution plans.
  • Query optimization with indexes.


  • HackerRank Exercises: Practice query optimization with indexes.
  • Notes: Explanation of indexing concepts and their impact on performance.

End of Day Test

  • SQL Practice: Solve challenges on indexing and query optimization.

Day 12: Query Optimization


  • Learn how to optimize queries using EXPLAIN plans and query best practices.
  • Understand how to improve query performance using proper WHERE, JOIN conditions, and limiting data retrieval.

Topics Covered

  • Analyzing query performance using EXPLAIN plans.
  • Techniques for writing efficient and optimized queries.


  • Project Work: Analyze and optimize queries using EXPLAIN plans.
  • Notes: Techniques for optimizing SQL queries.

End of Day Test

  • SQL Practice: Write optimized SQL queries.

Day 13: Project 2 – SQL Practice Tests and Games


  • Practice advanced SQL concepts with interactive tests and challenges.
  • Apply optimization techniques and indexing knowledge.


  • SQL Murder Mystery Game: Solve the mystery using SQL queries.
  • Project Work: Complete 2-3 interactive SQL challenges related to advanced topics.

End of Day Test

  • SQL Challenge: Engage in an interactive challenge game to apply skills.

Day 14: Final Review and Reflection


  • Review key concepts learned over the past two weeks.
  • Finalize notes and prepare for future SQL applications.


  • Final Project Submission: Submit all project work, including SQL queries and migration plans.
  • Reflection: Review everything learned, write a summary of key takeaways.

End of Day Test

  • SQL Knowledge Check: Take a final knowledge test on all SQL topics covered


SQL Games
