Operators / Wildcards
SQL Arithmetic Operators
Operator | Description |
+ | Add |
- | Subtract |
* | Multiply |
/ | Divide |
% | Modulo |
SQL Bitwise Operators
Operator | Description |
& | Bitwise AND |
| | Bitwise OR |
^ | Bitwise exclusive OR |
SQL Comparison Operators
Operator | Description |
= | Equal to |
> | Greater than |
< | Less than |
> = | Greater than or equal to |
< = | Less than or equal to |
\ , != | Not equal to |
\ | Null safe equal=operator, but returns1rather thanNULLif both operands are NULL, and 0 rather than NULL if one operand is NULL. |
SQL Compound Operators
Operator | Description |
+= | Add equals |
-= | Subtract equals |
*= | Multiply equals |
/= | Divide equals |
%= | Modulo equals |
&= | Bitwise AND equals |
^-= | Bitwise exclusive equals |
|*= | Bitwise OR equals |
SQL Logical Operators
Operator | Description |
ALL | TRUE if all of the subquery values meet the condition |
AND | TRUE if all the conditions separated by AND is TRUE |
ANY | TRUE if any of the subquery values meet the condition |
BETWEEN | TRUE if the operand is within the range of comparisons |
EXISTS | TRUE if the subquery returns one or more records |
IN | TRUE if the operand is equal to one of a list of expressions |
LIKE | TRUE if the operand matches a pattern |
NOT | Displays a record if the condition(s) is NOT TRUE |
OR | TRUE if any of the conditions separated by OR is TRUE |
SOME | TRUE if any of the subquery values meet the condition |
-- ALL Operator
-- all countries whose area is greater than each area of each city from city table
SELECT * FROM country WHERE area > ALL (
SELECT area FROM city
-- ANY Operator
-- find trips to the cities which are cheaper than ANY hiking trip to the mountain with id 1
SELECT * FROM trip WHERE price < ANY (
SELECT price FROM hiking_trip WHERE mountain_id = 1
Wildcard Characters in MS Access
Symbol | Description | Example |
* | Represents zero or more characters | bl* finds bl, black, blue, and blob |
? | Represents a single character | h?t finds hot, hat, and hit |
[] | Represents any single character within the brackets | h[oa]t finds hot and hat, but not hit |
! | Represents any character not in the brackets | h[!oa]t finds hit, but not hot and hat |
- | Represents a range of characters | c[a-b]t finds cat and cbt |
# | Represents any single numeric character | 2#5 finds 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285, and 295 |
Wildcard Characters in SQL Server
Symbol | Description | Example |
% | Represents zero or more characters | bl% finds bl, black, blue, and blob |
_ | Represents a single character | h_t finds hot, hat, and hit |
[] | Represents any single character within the brackets | h[oa]t finds hot and hat, but not hit |
^ | Represents any character not in the brackets | h[^oa]t finds hit, but not hot and hat |
- | Represents a range of characters | c[a-b]t finds cat and cbt |