- Hierarchy Viewer
- APK Analyzer
- Espresso Test Generator
- Cloud test lab support
- Jack compiler for java 8 support
- Enhanced lint
- Leak canary (for tracking memory leaks)
- Monkey profile viewer
- Logcat monitor
- CPU monitor
- Allocation tracker
- Memory information
- Dalvik debug monitor server
- Pixel perfect
- Systrace
- Battery profiling
- Dumping the Java Heap Memory (Monitor / Heap Memory Dump)
- HPROF (Heap/CPU profiling tool)
- Travis CI (Continuous Integration Tool)
- Circle CI (Continuous Integration Tool)
- Jenkins (Continuous Integration Tool)
- BuddyBuild (Continuous Integration Tool & Crash Reporting)
- Crashlytics (Crash Reporting) - Crashlytics.log(int priority, String tag, String msg);
- InstaBug (Crash Reporting)
- Hudson (Continuous Integration Tool)
- TestNG/JMock (Automated Testing)
- Maven (Deployment Tool)
- Storage Access Framework
- MediaPlayer
- ExoPlayer
- NDK (Native Development Kit)
- CMake
- Toolchain (Cross compilers)
- Gradle (Build System)
- Instrumented tests
- Testing Frameworks
- Local Unit Tests (Mockito)
- Robotium
- Calabash
- Appium
- Android JUnit Runner
- Functional UI Testing (Espresso)
- Functional UI Testing (UIAutomator)
- Hamcrest is a framework for writing matcher objects allowing 'match' rules to be defined declaratively.
- Monkey / Monkey Runner
- Android Testing Support Library
- Test Lab runs Espresso and UI Automator 2.0 tests on Android apps, and XCTest tests on iOS apps.
- RoboTest (easiest)
- Parceler (
- Locale (Android Localization)
- Runtime permissions
- Spinners
- Radio buttons and groups
- MultiChoiceModeListener for gridView
- Chronometer
- SeekBar
- RangeBar
- AlertDialogBox
- Floating action button (FAB)
- AsyncTask
- Volley
- Retrofit
- Dagger
- ButterKnife
- Universal Image Loader
- Picasso
- Glide
- AlarmManager
- AppIntro (paolo rotolo)
- ZeroMQ
- RabbitMQ
- Gson
- JsonObjectParser
- RecyclerView
- CardView
- MPAndroidChart
- AChartEngine
- HSSFWorkbook
- Vuforia for image processing in backend
- Pagination
- Infinite scroll
- ParallaxEffect on Toolbar
- Collapsible Toolbar
- ContentResolver
- ADL (Android Definition Language)
- Annotation based development
- GreenRobot EventBus
- GreenRobot greenDAO
Other Tools
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