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Python vs Nodejs

  • NodeJS provides easy scalability as compared to Python.

  • NodeJS wins over Python for developing data and memory-intensive applications.

  • Node.js is suitable for small projects whereas python can be used for large projects also. Python can be used to do a variety of operations like machine learning etc.

  • NodeJS is significantly faster than Python.

    • if your idea revolves around chatting functionalities then NodeJS is a better choice than Python.
  • three main reasons that stand behind Node's scalability:

    1. It can be easily broken down into microservices.
    2. It has an event-based model.
    3. It has a non-blocking I/O.

  • Apps it is best suitable for


Due to its event-based architecture, Node.js perfectly suits applications that have numerous concurrent requests, heavy client-side rendering, or frequent shuffling of data from a client to a server.

Some examples include IoT solutions, real-time chatbots and messengers, and complex single-page apps.

Node.js also works well for developing real-time collaboration services or streaming platforms. However, Node.js is not the best option for developing applications that require a lot of CPU resources.


Python is suitable for the development of both small and large projects. It can be used for data science apps, which involve data analysis and visualization, for voice and face recognition systems, image-processing software, neural networks, and machine learning systems. Python can also be used for the development of 3D modeling software and games.

Both technologies let you develop a wide range of apps. Which one is more suitable depends exclusively on what you need. Therefore, choosing a better one does not make any sense. Here, neither technology gets a point because they do not compete directly in this way.