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Server Driven Mobile UIs


  • Personlized
  • Smart
  • Dynamic
  • Complex


  • Context Driven
    • Apps behave differently depending on its current context
    • ML enables hyper-personalization of content and experiences depending on the customer
  • More Features
    • Apps have to support more features, screen real estate is the same
    • Apps need to actually be useful

Sideways building


  • Frontend should be dumb


  • Frontend Templates
    • Templates are predefined UI layouts
    • Templates have static layout, but dynamic content
    • Templates can contain
      • Text labels
      • Images
      • Buttons
      • Input fields
      • Toggles
    • Templates have their own implementation per platform
      • iOS - Android - Web
  • Backend - to provide data to frontend templates
    • Backend consists of an API server that serves JSON
    • JSON follows standard template contract and is consistent across platforms
    • JSON specifies context which includes
      • Text
      • Images
      • Actions
      • Conditional logic
    • A single data source means that any update to context and page flow only needs to happen once

Data Flow



  • Mobile UI initiates call to Template Engine
  • Template Engine returns initial JSON
  • Mobile UI triggers local/external actions
  • Mobile UI calls Template Engine
  • Template Engine returns next set of JSON
  • Repeat until finished

Use Case

  • A/B Testing
    • Dynamic layouts are great for A/B Testing
    • Server determines which assets to load based on your own criteria
    • Iterate through different prototypes quickly
  • Dynamic Messaging
    • Publish important messaging through templates
    • Having a variety of template types can help provide more specific details per user
    • No need for app updates to provide critical messaging
  • User Setup
    • User setup can be customized based on product type
    • You can easily create non-linear flows


  • You can easily add new screen without UI updates
  • Isolation of view & business logic enables better testing
    • Testing of flows can be done on backend!


Tips & Tricks

  • Define a good use case first
    • Dynamic and simple content is the best way to start
    • Find duplicate views and features that are consistent across platforms
  • Define your templates
  • Define your template contract
    • Determine what are the necessary components that can populate your template
  • Start with static JSON
    • Host it on the app to start
  • Incrementally build out backend as needed

Other Considerations

  • Is this worth the extra work?
  • How can I test my UI?
  • How does this scale?
  • Are front-end developers deprecated?

GOTO 2020 - Server Driven UI on Mobile - JJ Qi
