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Blue Zones

Blue Zone is a term used to regions where some of the world's oldest people reside.

The term was coined by Dan Buettner, who led a series of expeditions with National Geographic and other professionals to locate the world's longest-living populations and the comonalities between these groups of people.

Home of Seventh-Day Adventists

Members of Seventh-Day Adventists, a religious group that generally follows a vegetarian diet and avoids alcoholic beverages, reside in Loma Linda, California.

People of this group tend to outlive the average American by nearly a decade, as per reports.

Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica

Where people dismiss processed and refined foods

Inhabitants of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, are twice as likely to reach the age of 90 than North Americans.

Notably, they mantain an active lifestyle, focusing on faith and family.

They avoid processed and refined foods, with their diet primarily comprising rice, beans, fish and chicken.


The Italian island of Sardinia is home to the longest-living men in the world.

The people of the region, whose diets are mostly plant-based, engage in regular physical activities adn daily natural movements.


The majority of older people residing in Ikaria reportedly follow a mostly plant-based diet, indulge in physical activities, socialise with friends and kin, avoid smoking, and take mid-day naps.

A study investigating the longevity of Ikarians highlighted that nearly 6 out of 10 people over the age of 90 engaged in regular physical activities.

Japan, Okinawa

Situated in Japan, Okinawa is famous for being home to the longest-living women on earth.

Studies have pointed out that Okinawans have lower rates of age-related conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancers, compared to the rest of Japan and the US.

Nine Healthy Life Habits of the Blue Zones

  1. Natural Movement - People from Blue Zone regions indulge in everyday physical activities
  2. Sense of purpose - Purpose in life results in human longevity and overall health and well-being
  3. Stress management - People from Blue Zones participate in activities like napping & praying to combat stress
  4. 80% rule - People in the Blue Zones eat until their stomachs are about 80% full to avoid overeating
  5. Plant-focused diet - A major chunk of the Blue Zones' population consumes meals consisting of mostly plant-sourced foods
  6. Wine consumption - Another dietary factor common to several Blue Zones is moderate alcohol consumption
  7. Social associations - Research shows that older adults with strong social support generally retain independence & experience slower cognitive decline compared to those who are socially isolated
  8. Spirituality - Most individuals residing in Blue Zones belong to a faith-based community & religious affiliations vary among the populations
  9. Family values - Family relationships are integral for individuals in Blue Zones

Harvard Professor: REVEALING The 7 Big LIES About Exercise, Sleep, Running, Cancer & Sugar!!! - YouTube

  • Diversify Ang Moh Data
  • Exercise Is Weird
  • Sitting Myth - Keep moving - Don't sit for a long time
  • Sleep - 7 hours is optimal and not 8 or 10 hours
  • 10000 Steps A Day - 7000 Steps Optimal
  • Strength / Resistance Training is very important
  • Aging Is Different Senescence( Degrade Of Specific Organs) Collectively
  • Benefits Absence Of Physical Activity Is Accelerates Aging
  • Physical Health Mental Health
  • Retirement
  • Harvard Alumni Exercise Helps Older More
  • Genes Gun Environment Trigger - Two Reason
  • Preventive Disease - Willpower Education High Quality Food
  • Cancer Increase With Wealth - Physically Active Lower Cancer
  • Inflammation
  • Sugar Is Inflammatory
  • Exercise Reduce Inflammatory - Pay More For Less Sugar
  • Don't Have To Be Too Physically Active
  • Running Used To Be Spiritual Habit Of Ancestors
  • Strong Foot Treat Preventive Disease - Take It Slowly