Neural Networks 3B1B
Mnemonic - Input, times Weight, add a Bias, Activate
What is neural network
- Convolutional neural network - Good for image recognition
- Long short term memory network - Good for speech recognition
- Multilayer perceptron (Plain vanila neural network)
Sigmoid squisification function
Sigmoid function squishes the numbers into a range between 0 and 1.
Very negative inputs end up close to 0
Very positive inputs end up close to 1
And others steadily increase around input 0
- Weights
- Bias
ReLU - Rectified Linear Unit used instead of Sigmoid because it's easier to train.
Sigmoid is a slow learner
ReLU (a) = max(0,a)
Gradient Descent
- Cost of a training example (Add all the squares of the differences between output - correct output)
- Cost is large when the output is far from the correct values and vice-versa
- For finding the local minima we can find slope of the function
- Multivariable Calculus - The Gradient of a function gives you the direction of steepest ascent. Basically, which direction should you step to increase the function most quickly
Randomly subdivide the data into mini batches and compute each step with respect to a mini batch (for faster training)
Stochastic Gradient Descent