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Speaking - Phrases / Quotes


Communication is the key

Communication isn't the key, comprehension is. You can communicate all you want, but if they don't understand you, it won't reach them the way you need it to.

Communication is like salt, a little more or less, both the dish and the project is spoiled.

You should know that when a message you convey to another person is not understood by him, at least one of the following things is true: what you have said is not true, or you have conveyed it without kindness.

Whoever you meet, speak to them like it is the last time you may have that opportunity. It will transform your life -- Sadhguru

Turning action words into identity words (verbs into nouns) is effective because we all strive to uphold positive self-images and avoid labels that make us look bad. One study found that when election campaigns talked about “being a voter,” instead of simply asking people to vote, they increased voter turnout by 15%. Another study found that students who heard, “Don’t be a cheater” cheated half as much as students who received the words, "Don't cheat."


  • I am going to pause here for questions
  • Just dropped in to have a cup of coffee friend
  • You're probably right
  • Whenever someone disagrees with you on a small matter, you can shrug, say 'you're probably right' and move on.
  • Not caring about winning trivial arguments saves so much time and energy."
  • I never thought exactly that way before, What you can share that would help me see what you see?
  • I don't think the important point we are trying to impart is not being interpreted right
  • Thank you for this. Very Valid points we can only solve this as a team.
  • I don't feel that you always have to say something
  • I have no reason to believe otherwise
  • Respect for scientific rigour
  • There are very new to the process, we need to clearly give what we need to do
  • What do you want to do in your life
  • Let me know how I can be helpful
  • I don't think so you are in the right path, you can make some improvisations and try again
  • If manager asks you to do something
    • Of course, could you help me prioritize my project list
    • Then take them through everything on your plate, and ask
    • Which of these would you like me to de-prioritize to fit in the new task?
  • Replace "but" with "and" - Change ONE WORD to Transform your Communication
  • Feel free to interrupt me in between to ask any questions and let me know if you want to dig deeper in any part.
  • What if you stopped trying to think your way through it and started to act your way through it?

Constructive: "I noticed that in our last meeting, Ellen seemed upset by how you reacted to her suggestions. I've found some effective ways to communicate with her if you'd like to hear them!"

Not Constructive:"You acted like a bully to Ellen in our most recent meeting."

Constructive:"Lately, I have had trouble understanding exactly what you need from me. I know it's not your intention to confuse me, and I want to make sure I can deliver on your expectations. Could we talk about some ways you and I can communicate more effectively so I can understand what needs to get done?"

Not Constructive:"I'm upset because I'm lost on this project and no one is telling me what to do. I need you to be less vague and support me."

Constructive:"With the current size of my workload, I am concerned about my ability to maintain the quality of my work. Could we check in about my capacity before I am assigned new tasks?"

Not Constructive: "You're overloading me with work. I feel exploited and like no one cares about me."

Constructive:"Recently, I've been unsure about whether I have permission to talk to X stakeholders and make decisions about the project. Because you weren't present at our recent meeting with them like I expected, I wasn't sure how to act, or lead the meeting effectively without overstepping. It would be great if we could arrive at a clearer understanding of what my responsibilities and authority are."

Not Constructive:"You left me in the lurch and I had to lead that meeting by myself. You didn't bother to let me know how to deal with X stakeholders or what they needed from us. I feel like you're checked out and not leading our team."

Constructive:"I want to check in with you on your satisfaction with my work. I got the impression that you were frustrated yesterday. Could we set a time to communicate more clearly about anything that needs to improve?"

Not Constructive:"You were mean to me yesterday. I feel like you don't respect me."

Greetings from Company!

Kindly consider this email as a gentle reminder to please suggest how we can take the discussion forward.