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Course - Learning How to Learn

Key Chunks discussed in the course from which you can recall whole course

What is Learning

  1. Focused and Diffused mode of learning
  2. Pinball analogy

Procrastination, Memory and Sleep

  1. Working Memory
  2. Long Term Memory
  3. Spaced Repetition
  4. Importance of Sleep

Chunking - The Essentials

How to create chunks

  1. Focused Attention
  2. Understanding
  3. Practice

Types of chunking

  1. Bottom up chunking
  2. Top down chunking

Illusion of competence

  1. Recalling
  2. Retrieval
  3. Testing
  4. Highlighting
  5. Referencing


  1. Acetylcholine (focused learning and attention)
  2. Dopamine (unexpected rewards)
  3. Serotonin (social life and risk taking behavior)
  4. Noradrenaline

Seeing the Bigger Picture

  1. Overlearning
  2. Choking
  3. Einstellung (Blocking of creation of new concepts because of older concepts)
  4. Interleaving
  5. Transfer learning
  6. Deliberate Practice


  1. Will power
  2. Process vs Product
  3. Juggling life and learning

(Reminder / Routine / Reward)

  1. The cue
  2. The routine
  3. The reward
  4. The belief


  1. Visual spatial center
  2. Neuron hooks
  3. Index cards
  4. Meaningful groups
  5. Reconsolidation


  1. Consolidation (Move a chunk from STM to LTM)
  2. Reactivation (from LTM to Working Memory / STM)
  3. Reconsolidation (from STM to LTM but changed from previous)


Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by University of California, San Diego on Coursera taught by Terrence Sejnowski and Barbara Oakley