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brinkmanship - the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, especially in politics.
There is my truth, there is your truth and then there is the truth
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Plurality systems
Plurality voting is a system in which the candidate(s) with the highest number of votes wins, with no requirement to get a majority of votes. In cases where there is a single position to be filled, it is known as first-past-the-post; this is the second most common electoral system for national legislatures, with 58 countries using it for this purpose, the vast majority of which are current or former British or American colonies or territories. It is also the second most common system used for presidential elections, being used in 19 countries.
Majority systems
Majority voting is a system in which candidates must receive a majority of votes to be elected, either in a runoff election or final round of voting (although in some cases only a plurality is required in the last round of voting if no candidate can achieve a majority). There are two main forms of majoritarian systems, one conducted in a single round of voting using ranked voting and the other using multiple elections, to successively narrow the field of candidates. Both are primarily used for single-member constituencies.
Proportional systems
Proportional representation is the most widely used electoral system for national legislatures, with the parliaments of over eighty countries elected by various forms of the system.
Types of Voting System – Electoral Reform Society – ERS
- First Past the Post
- Single Transferable Vote
- Additional Member System
- Alternative Vote Plus
- Two-Round System
- Alternative Vote
- Supplementary Vote
- Borda Count
- Party List Proportional Representation