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Back/forward cache (or bfcache) is a browser optimization that enables instant back and forward navigation. It significantly improves the browsing experience for users-especially those with slower networks or devices.

Back/forward cache

Back/Forward Cache: What It Is and How to Use It to Serve Content Immediately

Image Compression / Compress Image / Image Tools


brew install imagemagick

mogrify -format jpg -quality 50% /path/to/folder/abc.png

mogrify -format jpg /path/to/folder/*.png

mogrify -format jpg -quality 50% *.png
mogrify -format jpg -quality 50% *.png && rm *.png

mogrify -quality 20% /path/to/folder/*.jpg

mogrify -quality 50% *.jpg
mogrify -quality 10% *.jpg
mogrify -format jpg -quality 50% *.jpeg

# Reduce: If you set a lower quality value (e.g., `-quality 50`), the image file size is reduced by increasing compression. This may lead to a loss in visual quality (e.g., pixelation or artifacts), but the image becomes lighter and faster to load.

# Leave (High Quality): If you set a higher quality value (e.g., `-quality 90` or `-quality 100`), the image retains more detail with minimal compression. This ensures better visual fidelity but results in a larger file size.

# convert pdf to images
convert input.pdf output.jpg # deprecated
magick input.pdf output.jpg
magick convert input.pdf output.jpg

# For good quality use these parameters
magick convert -density 300 -quality 100 in.pdf out.jpg

# resize image to width 25, keeping aspect ratio
magick convert -geometry 25x src/image1.png out/image1.png
magick convert -geometry 600x src/image1.png out/image1.png

# resize image to height 25, keeping aspect ratio
magick convert -geometry x25 src/image1.png out/image1.png

# [ImageMagick - Command-line Tools: Convert](

Script - PNG to JPG Conversion, Resizing, and Compression


# Set maximum dimensions for resizing (e.g., width=1000px, height=650px)

# Initialize loop counter

# Loop through both PNG and JPG files
for file in *.png *.jpg *.jpeg; do
# Check if the file exists and is a regular file (not a directory)
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
# Increment the loop counter

# Get the current file size in bytes (macOS compatible)
original_size=$(stat -f %z "$file")

# Check if it's a PNG file and convert it to JPG
if [[ "$file" =~ \.png$ ]]; then
# Convert PNG to JPG with quality 50, save it with the same name but a .jpg extension
magick "$file" -quality 50 "${file%.png}.jpg"
# Remove the original PNG file after conversion
rm "$file"
# Set the filename to the new JPG file for further processing

# Get the current image dimensions (width x height)
dimensions=$(identify -format "%wx%h" "$file")
width=$(echo $dimensions | cut -d 'x' -f 1)
height=$(echo $dimensions | cut -d 'x' -f 2)

# Resize image while maintaining aspect ratio
if [ "$width" -gt "$max_width" ]; then
# Calculate new height while maintaining aspect ratio
new_height=$((max_width * height / width))
magick "$file" -resize "${max_width}x${new_height}" "$file"
elif [ "$height" -gt "$max_height" ]; then
# Calculate new width while maintaining aspect ratio
new_width=$((max_height * width / height))
magick "$file" -resize "${new_width}x${max_height}" "$file"

# Optimize image with quality set to 50
mogrify -strip -interlace Plane -quality 50 "$file"

# Get the new file size (macOS compatible)
new_size=$(stat -f %z "$file")

# Compare sizes and keep the smaller one
if [ "$new_size" -ge "$original_size" ]; then
echo "[$counter] Skipping $file, new size is not smaller."
echo "[$counter] Processed $file successfully."


GitHub - kornelski/pngquant: Lossy PNG compressor - pngquant command based on libimagequant library


  • Description: A tool specifically for optimizing JPEG images. It supports both lossy and lossless optimization.
  • Compression Method: Lossy and lossless.
# installation
brew install jpegoptim

# Compresses all JPG files to a maximum quality of 75% while preserving EXIF data.
jpegoptim --max=75 *.jpg

# Maximum Compression
# --strip-all - Strips all metadata (e.g., EXIF, comments, color profiles) to reduce file size.
# --all-progressive - Converts images to progressive JPEGs, which are better for web and often smaller.
jpegoptim --max=75 --strip-all --all-progressive *.jpg

GitHub - tjko/jpegoptim: jpegoptim - utility to optimize/compress JPEG files

mozjpeg (via cjpeg)

  • Description: A JPEG encoder that offers excellent lossy compression with reduced file sizes.
  • Compression Method: Lossy.
# installation
brew install mozjpeg

# Compresses `original.jpg` into `compressed.jpg` with 75% quality.
cjpeg -quality 75 -outfile compressed.jpg original.jpg

# Maximum Compression with Optimized Huffman Tables
cjpeg -quality 85 -progressive -optimize -tune-psnr -outfile temp.jpg

GitHub - mozilla/mozjpeg: Improved JPEG encoder.

ImageOptim CLI

  • Description: A macOS-friendly tool that focuses on lossless compression, preserving image quality while reducing file size.
  • Compression Method: Lossless.
# installation
brew install imageoptim-cli

# Compresses all JPG files with a focus on smaller file sizes.
imageoptim --quality-low *.jpg

GitHub - mozilla/mozjpeg: Improved JPEG encoder.

MozJpeg - Compress/edit images online.


  • Description: A lossless JPEG compressor that rearranges file structure for optimal compression.

  • Compression Method: Lossless.

  • Installation:

    brew install jpeg

  • Example Command:

    jpegtran -optimize -progressive -outfile compressed.jpg original.jpg

    • Optimizes and converts the image to a progressive JPEG format.


  • Use ImageMagick or jpegoptim if you want flexibility between lossy and lossless compression.
  • Use mozjpeg for maximum reduction in file size with excellent visual quality.
  • Use pngquant for png images