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The public blockchain that derives its value from activities created by members within the ecosystem solving real world economic problems


Meta-transaction features native to VeChain Thor blockchain’s core protocol, such as multi-party payment, multi-task transaction, controllable transaction lifecycle, transaction dependency, make the development more user-friendly for enterprise adoption.

Controllable Transaction Lifecycle

With BlockRef and Expiration transaction fields, users can set the time when transaction is processed or expired if not being included in a block.

Multi-task Transaction (MTT)

Multi-function atomic transactions allow developers to batch payments, add multiple calls to different contract functions into one transaction and determine their sequence.

Fee Delegation

Flexible transaction fee delegation schemes (Multi-party Payment and Designated Gas Payer) enable a freemium model within a decentralized application to onboard users without friction

Transaction Dependency

Set dependencies to ensure the execution order meets the business need, transactions that specify a dependency will not be executed until the required transaction is processed.


A governance model with transparency and operational efficiency enables continual and rapid innovation, while resulting in consensus and decisions that balance the views of all stakeholders in the ecosystem. Community-elected Steering Committee facilitates decision making and execution supported by the on-chain governance mechanism.


The unique two-token system (VET+VTHO) significantly helps separate the cost of using blockchain from market speculation. Due to the correlation with the blockchain resource utilization, the cost is more predictable with the monitoring of the VTHO supply and demand. In addition, Foundation's governance mechanism further stabilizes the cost.

  • VTHO generation from any address holding VET at the predetermined velocity of 5x10-8 per VET per block (10s)
  • 70% of VTHO paid in each transaction is destroyed and the rest is awarded to the Authority Masternode Operator
  • Adjustment to variables (e.g. gas price, velocity) can be made to maintain the equilibrium of VTHO demand and supply

VeChainThor Blockchain | Public Blockchain for Business Mass Adoption

What is VeChain? VET Supply Chain Solution Explained! - YouTube