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Programming with Redis

  • The full list of commands implemented by Redis, along with thorough documentation for each of them.
  • Pipelining: Learn how to send multiple commands at once, saving on round trip time. send multiple commands to the server without waiting for the replies at all, and finally read the replies in a single step.
  • Redis Pub/Sub: Redis is a fast and stable Publish/Subscribe messaging system
  • Redis Lua scripting: Redis Lua scripting feature documentation.
  • Debugging Lua scripts: Redis 3.2 introduces a native Lua debugger for Redis scripts.
  • Memory optimization: Understand how Redis uses RAM and learn some tricks to use less of it.
  • Expires: Redis allows to set a time to live different for every key so that the key will be automatically removed from the server when it expires.
  • Redis as an LRU cache: How to configure and use Redis as a cache with a fixed amount of memory and auto eviction of keys.
  • Redis transactions: It is possible to group commands together so that they are executed as a single transaction.
  • Mass insertion of data: How to add a big amount of pre existing or generated data to a Redis instance in a short time.
  • Partitioning: How to distribute your data among multiple Redis instances.
  • Distributed locks: Implementing a distributed lock manager with Redis.
  • Redis keyspace notifications: Get notifications of keyspace events via Pub/Sub (Redis 2.8 or greater).
  • Creating secondary indexes with Redis: Use Redis data structures to create secondary indexes, composed indexes and traverse graphs.

Redis modules API

  • Introduction to Redis modules. A good place to start learing about Redis 4.0 modules programming.
  • Implementing native data types. Modules scan implement new data types (data structures and more) that look like built-in data types. This documentation covers the API to do so.
  • Blocking operations with modules. This is still an experimental API, but a very powerful one to write commands that can block the client (without blocking Redis) and can execute tasks in other threads.
  • Redis modules API reference. Directly generated from the top comments in the source code insidesrc/module.c. Contains many low level details about API usage.

Tutorials & FAQ


  • Redis-cli: Learn how to master the Redis command line interface, something you'll be using a lot in order to administer, troubleshoot and experiment with Redis.
  • Configuration: How to configure redis.
  • Replication: What you need to know in order to set up master-replicas replication.
  • Persistence: Know your options when configuring Redis' durability.
  • Redis Administration: Selected administration topics.
  • Security: An overview of Redis security.
  • Encryption: How to encrypt Redis client-server communication.
  • Signals Handling: How Redis handles signals.
  • Connections Handling: How Redis handles clients connections.
  • High Availability: Redis Sentinel is the official high availability solution for Redis.
  • Latency monitoring: Redis integrated latency monitoring and reporting capabilities are helpful to tune Redis instances for low latency workloads.
  • Benchmarks: See how fast Redis is in different platforms.
  • Redis Releases: Redis development cycle and version numbering.

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