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Coursera - Algorithms Part - 2

Week - 1

Undirected Graph

  1. Introduction to graph

    • Adjacency Matrix
    • Adjacency List
  2. Graph API

  3. Depth-First Search

  4. Breadth-First Search

  5. Connected Components

  6. Graph Challenges

Directed Graph

  1. Introduction to Digraphs

  2. Digraph API

  3. Digraph Search

  4. Topological Sort

    • Topological order of an acyclic digraph
  5. Strong Components

    • Kosaraju-Sharir algorithm for computing strong components of a digraph
  6. Applications

    • Garbage Collection
    • Web Crawling



Week - 2

Minimum Spanning Tree

  1. Introduction to MSTs
  2. Greedy Algorithms
  3. Edge-Weighted Graph API
  4. Kruskal's Algorithm
  5. Prim's Algorithm
  6. MST Context

Shortest Path

  1. Shortest Path APIs
  2. Shortest Path Properties
  3. Dijkstra's Algorithm
  4. Edge-Weighted DAGs
  5. Negative Weights (Bellman Ford Algorithm)


Seam Carving

Week - 3

Maximum Flow and Minimum Cut

  1. Introduction to Maxflow
  2. Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
  3. Maxflow-Mincut Theorem
  4. Running Time Analysis
  5. Java Implementation
  6. Maxflow Applications


Baseball Elimination

Radix Sorts

  1. Strings in Java
  2. Key-Indexed Counting
  3. LSD Radix Sort
  4. MSD Radix Sort
  5. 3-way Radix Quicksort
  6. Suffix Arrays

Week - 4


  1. R-way Tries
  2. Ternary Search Tries
  3. Character-Based Operations
  1. Introduction to Substring Search
  2. Brute-Force Substring Search
  3. Knuth-Morris-Pratt
  4. Boyer-Moore
  5. Rabin-Karp



Week - 5

Regular Expressions

  1. Regular Expressions
  2. Res and NFAs
  3. NFA Simulation
  4. NFA Construction
  5. RE Applications

Data Compression

  1. Introduction
  2. Run-Length Coding
  3. Huffman Compression
  4. LZW Compression



Week - 6


  1. Introduction
  2. Designing Algorithms
  3. Establishing Lower Bounds
  4. Classifying Problems

Linear Programming

  1. Brewer's Problem
  2. Simplex Algorithm
  3. Simplex Implementations
  4. Linear Programming Reductions


  1. Introduction
  2. Search Problems
  3. P vs NP
  4. Classifying Problems
  5. NP-Completeness
  6. Coping with Intractability

Interview Questions

1.1 Undirected Graphs

  1. Nonrecursive depth-first search. Implement depth-first search in an undirected graph without using recursion.
  2. Diameter and center of a tree. Given a connected graph with no cycles
    • Diameter: design a linear-time algorithm to find the longest simple path in the graph.
    • Center: design a linear-time algorithm to find a vertex such that its maximum distance from any other vertex is minimized.
  3. Euler cycle. An Euler cycle in a graph is a cycle (not necessarily simple) that uses every edge in the graph exactly one.
    • Show that a connected graph has an Euler cycle if and only if every vertex has even degree.
    • Design a linear-time algorithm to determine whether a graph has an Euler cycle, and if so, find one.


WordNet: is a semantic lexicon for the English language that is used extensively by computational linguists and cognitive scientists

WordNet groups words into sets of synonyms called synsetsand describes semantic relationships between them.

One such relationship is theis-arelationship, which connects ahyponym(more specific synset) to ahypernym(more general synset).

For example,

  • animal is a hypernym of both birdand fish;
  • bird is a hypernym of eagle,pigeon, and seagull.
  • Spoon is a hyponym of cutlery
