Course - Big Data Computing - NPTEL
- Dr. Rajiv Mishra
- CSE - IIT, Patna
- Week 1
- Introduction to Big Data
- Big Data Enabling Technologies
- Big Data Hadoop Stack
- Week 2
- Hadoop MapReduce 1.0
- Hadoop MapReduce 2.0
- MapReduce Examples
- Week 3
- Parallel Programming with Spark
- Introduction to Spark
- Spark Built-in Libraries
- Design of Key-Value Stores
- Week 4
- Data Placement Strategies
- CAP Theorem
- Consistency Solutions
- CQL (Cassandra Query Language)
- Design of Zookeeper
- Week 5
Design of HBase
What is HBase?
HBase Architecture
HBase Components
Data model
HBase Storage Hierarchy
Cross-Datacenter Replication
Auto Sharding and Distribution
Bloom Filter and Fold, Store, and Shift
Spark Streaming and Sliding Window Analytics
Sliding Window Analytics
Introduction to Kafka
- Week 6
- Big Data Machine Learning 1
- Overview
- Categories of ML Techniques
- Big Data Machine Learning 2
- Machine Learning Algorithm K-means using Map Reduce for Big Data Analytics
- Parallel K-means using Map Reduce on Big Data Cluster Analysis
- Decision Trees
- Predictive Analytics 1
- Predictive Analytics 2
- Parameter Servers
- Page Rank
- Spark GraphX 1
- Spark GraphX 2
- Case Study
- Big Data Machine Learning 1