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Databricks CLI

# using brew on mac
brew tap databricks/tap
brew install databricks
databricks -v

# using pip on mac or server jupyter notebook
pip install --upgrade databricks-cli

databricks configure

# Test connection
databricks fs ls dbfs:/

# secrets cli
## create a secret scope
databricks secrets create-scope --scope my-scope

## delete a secret
databricks secrets delete --scope my-scope --key my-key

## List all available secret scopes in the workspace
databricks secrets list-scopes --output JSON

## List the secret keys stored within a secret scope
databricks secrets list --scope my-scope --output JSON

## Put a secret into specific scope
databricks secrets put-secret SCOPE KEY
databricks secrets put-secret abc-scope abc
## An editor opens, Paste your secret value above the line and save and exit the editor. Your input is stripped of the comments and stored associated with the key in the scope.

Databricks CLI setup & documentation | Databricks on AWS

Databricks CLI | Databricks on AWS

GitHub - databricks/databricks-cli: Command Line Interface for Databricks

Secrets | Databricks on AWS

Notebook Shortcuts

  • H - show all shortcuts
  • cmd-shift-f : Format code
  • cmd + / : Comment all highlighted code

blackbricks (formatter)

pipx install blackbricks

# running on all local files
blackbricks .

# running on remote files
blackbricks --remote /Repos/username/folder/

blackbricks --remote --profile OTHERPROFILE /Users/

GitHub - inspera/blackbricks: Black for Databricks notebooks