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  1. Cluster name
  2. Cluster auto-discovery strategy
    • manual (default)
    • mcast (IP multicast)
    • dns
    • etcd
    • k8s (Kubernetes)
  3. Cluster autoheal from network partition
  4. Cluster autoclean (A down node will be removed from the cluster)
  5. Node name
  6. Heartbeat monitoring of an Erlang runtime system
  7. Kernel poll
  8. Number of threads in async thread pool
  9. Maximum number of simultaneously existing processes (process_limit)
  10. Max number of simultaneously existing ports
  11. dist_buffer_size
  12. max_ets_tables (mnesia and SSL will create temporary ETS tables)
  13. GC fullsweep_after
  14. crash_dump log file
  15. erlang distributed protocol
  16. RPC
  17. Log
  18. Authentication / Access Control
    • allow_anonymous
  19. MQTT Protocol
    • mqtt.response_topic_prefix
    • max_clientid_len
    • max_topic_levels
    • max_qos_allowed
    • retain_available
    • wildcard_subscription
    • shared_subscription
    • ignore_loop_deliver
  20. Zones
    • External Zone
    • Internal Zone
  21. Listeners
    • MQTT/TCP - External TCP listener for MQTT protocol
      • listener.tcp.external =
      • listener.tcp.external.acceptors = 8
      • listener.tcp.external.max_connections = 1024000
      • listener.tcp.external.max_conn_rate = 1000
      • = external
    • Internal TCP Listener for MQTT Protocol
    • External SSL listener for MQTT protocol
    • External WebSocket listener for MQTT protocol
    • External WebSocket/SSL listener for MQTT protocol
  22. Bridges
    • Bridges to aws
    • Bridges to azure
  23. Modules
    • Presence module (deprecated)
    • Subscription module
    • Rewrite module
  24. Plugins
  25. Broker
  26. System monitor