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git clone -b master

cd emqx-docker && docker build -t emqx:latest .


docker run --rm -ti --name=emqx --net=confluent -p 18083:18083 -p 1883:1883 emqx:latest




"topic": "foo",
"payload": "hello from mqtt",
"qos": 1,
"retain": false,
"client_id": "mqttjs_ab9069449e"



mgmt list # List Applications
mgmt insert appid <Name> # Add Application of REST API
mgmt update appid <status> # Update Application of REST API
mgmt lookup appid # Get Application of REST API
mgmt delete appid # Delete Application of REST API

status # Show broker status

broker # Show broker version, uptime and description
broker stats # Show broker statistics of clients, topics, subscribers
broker metrics # Show broker metrics

cluster join <Node> # Join the cluster
cluster leave # Leave the cluster
cluster force-leave <Node> # Force the node leave from cluster
cluster status # Cluster status

acl reload # reload etc/acl.conf

clients list # List all clients
clients show <ClientId> # Show a client
clients kick <ClientId> # Kick out a client

sessions list # List all sessions
sessions list persistent # List all persistent sessions
sessions list transient # List all transient sessions
sessions show <ClientId> # Show a session

routes list # List all routes
routes show <Topic> # Show a route

subscriptions list # List all subscriptions
subscriptions show <ClientId> # Show subscriptions of a client
subscriptions add <ClientId> <Topic> <QoS> # Add a static subscription manually
subscriptions del <ClientId> <Topic> # Delete a static subscription manually

plugins list # Show loaded plugins
plugins load <Plugin> # Load plugin
plugins unload <Plugin> # Unload plugin

bridges list # List bridges
bridges start <Name> # Start a bridge
bridges stop <Name> # Stop a bridge
bridges forwards <Name> # Show a bridge forward topic
bridges add-forward <Name> <Topic> # Add bridge forward topic
bridges del-forward <Name> <Topic> # Delete bridge forward topic
bridges subscriptions <Name> # Show a bridge subscriptions topic
bridges add-subscription <Name> <Topic> <Qos> # Add bridge subscriptions topic
bridges del-subscription <Name> <Topic> # Delete bridge subscriptions topic

vm all # Show info of Erlang VM
vm load # Show load of Erlang VM
vm memory # Show memory of Erlang VM
vm process # Show process of Erlang VM
vm io # Show IO of Erlang VM
vm ports # Show Ports of Erlang VM

mnesia # Mnesia system info

log primary-level # Show the primary log level now
log primary-level <Level> # Set the primary log level
log handlers list # Show log handlers
log handlers set-level <HandlerId> <Level> # Set log level of a log handler

trace list # List all traces started
trace start client <ClientId> <File> [<Level>] # Traces for a client
trace stop client <ClientId> # Stop tracing for a client
trace start topic <Topic> <File> [<Level>] # Traces for a topic
trace stop topic <Topic> # Stop tracing for a topic

## listeners # List listeners
listeners stop <Proto> <Port> # Stop a listener

retainer info # Show the count of retained messages
retainer topics # Show all topics of retained messages
retainer clean # Clean all retained messages

admins add username password tags # Add dashboard user
admins passwd username password # Reset dashboard user password
admins del username # Delete dashboard user

# emqx_auth_username commands
users list # List users
users add username password # Add User
users del username # Delete User

Add Plugin to emqx

load emqx_auth_username plugin

./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_auth_username

Plugins emqx.auth.username

Add username/password by./bin/emqx_ctl usersCLI:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl users add username password

or by configuringetc/plugins/emqx_auth_username.conf:

auth.username.test = public

./bin/emqx_ctl users add **example_mqtt_client xitanez123**


docker run --net=example-docker -e EMQTT_URL=http://emqx:8080 -e EMQTT_API_USER=admin -e EMQTT_API_PASS=public oxygen0211/emqtt-prometheus-exporter