Types of Clustering
- Hierarchical
- Flat
- Flat clustering are way faster than hierarchical
Hierarchical Clustering
- Ex - Taxonomy of Animal kingdom
- Types of Hierarchical clustering
- Divisive (Top down)
- Agglomerative (Bottom up) (easier to solve mathematically)
- Should reach same results
- How do we measure the distances between observations?
- Euclidean distance
- Manhattan distance
- Maximum distance
- Segmentation between clusters
- Ward method (|A-B|^2)/n
- Ward method (|A-B|^2)/n
# Hierarchical clustering with the Sci Py library. We'll use the dendrogram and linkage modules.
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram, linkage
# Perform Hierarchical Clustering. The results are returned as a linkage matrix.
hier_clust = linkage(segmentation_std, method = 'ward')
# We plot the results from the Hierarchical Clustering using a Dendrogram.
# We truncate the dendrogram for better readability. The level p shows only the last p merged clusters
# We also omit showing the labels for each point.
plt.figure(figsize = (12,9))
plt.title('Hierarchical Clustering Dendrogram')
truncate_mode = 'level',
p = 5,
show_leaf_counts = False,
no_labels = True)
Finding a cluster
- We need to find a horizontal line on the dendogram on which to cut
- Rule of thumb: We find the longest vertical line unintercepted by a horizontal line from the dendrogram. This is where we should make the cut
K-means Clustering
- Most commonly used method in clustering because of its simplicity
- K-means is perfect for segmentation data
Choose the number of clusters we want to identify. K in K-means means number of clusters
Specify cluster seeds
- Based on Euclidean squared distance add points to one of the cluster
Calculate the centroid (geometrical center)
Repeat until the centroids stop changing
- The squared Euclidean distance is quite sensitive to outliers (solved by k-median clustering)
- Choose number of clusters before hand
- K-means enforces spherical clusters
How to Scale K-Means Clustering with just ClickHouse SQL
Within Cluster Sum of Squares (WCSS) is used to determine best clustering solution
Choosing number of clusters - Elbow method