Human History / Anthropology
Human Origins 101 | National Geographic - YouTube
The 2 planetary disasters you owe your life to | Sean B. Carroll
- LUCA - last universal common ancestor
- We divided from fungi 650 million years ago
- About 221 million and 210 million years ago
- 66 million years ago asteroid impact Yucatán Peninsula - Chicxulub crater
- 6-7 million years ago relationship with apes ended
- 2.8 million years ago genus of Homo emerged
- 2 million years ago fire discovered
- Fire started cooking; which turned food more nutritious; which helped develop our brains
- 300,000 years ago, species lived in small hunters gatherers society; and spoke to each other
- Homo sapiens sapiens 200,000 years ago (6 species of Homo was around that time)
- Homo erectus survived for 2 million years
- Last of other species disappeared around 10,000 years ago
- Modern human have some neaderthal's DNA, so there was some mixing
- 70,000 years ago only humans got some abstract thinking capabilities to survive in today's generation
- 60,000 years ago first time humans moved out of Africa
- 50,000 years ago there was explosion in innovation; tools and weapons became more sophisticated and culture became more complex; communication improved and in turn cooperation improved in large groups
- Humans started fishing somewhere between 40,000 and 10000 years BCE.
- 12,000 years ago agriculture started in multiple locations; because of this specialization started
- 500 years ago scientific revolution happened; industrial revolution
Human Generations
Generations | Born | Current Ages (as of 2024) |
Gen Beta | 2025-2039 | 0 |
Gen Alpha Workers | 2010-2024 | 14-0 |
Gen Z | GenZ | 1997 - 2012 | 12 - 27 |
Millennials | 1981 - 1996 | 28 - 43 |
Gen X | 1965 - 1980 | 44 - 59 |
Boomers II (a/k/a Generation Jones)* | 1955 - 1964 | 60 - 69 |
Boomers I* | 1946 - 1954 | 70 - 78 |
Post War | 1928 - 1945 | 79 - 96 |
WWII | 1922 - 1927 | 97 - 102 |
Age Range by Generation - Beresford Research
Every Birth Generation Explained in 9 Minutes - YouTube
- Lost Generation
- Greatest Generation
- Silent Generation
- Baby Boomers
- Generation X
- Millennials
- Zoomers
- Generation Alpha
Earth History
You're Basically A Mushroom - YouTube
Extinction Events
- Devonian Extinction Event - 372 million years ago
- Permian Extinction Event - 252 million years ago
- Triassic Extinction Event - 201 million years ago
- Cretaceous Extinction Event- 66 million years ago
- Evolutionary Tree of Life | Episode 1 - Early Life, Invertebrates & Fish - YouTube
- Evolutionary Tree of Life | Episode 2 - Reptiles & Birds - YouTube
- Evolutionary Tree of Life | Episode 3 - Mammals (including Humans) - YouTube
- Evolutionary Tree of Life | Episode 4 - Plants & Fungi - YouTube
- Evolutionary Tree of Life | Episode 5 - What's the Evidence for Evolution? - YouTube