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Electrical Engineering

  • William Gilbert: De Magnete (On a Magnet) - He was the first to describe the phenomena we now associate with electrical attraction and magnetic poles, which is why many view him as the father of electrical studies
  • Telecommunications
    • Electrical Telegraf
    • Morse code
    • Hertz for wireless communication
  • Power and Lighting
    • Arc lighting
    • Graham dynammo
    • Incadescent lighting
    • War of currents
      • DC (Direct current)
        • Thomas Edison
      • AC (Alternating current)
        • George Westinghouse
        • Nikola Tesla
  • Computer Engineering
    • Transistor
      • The point-contact transistor was a semiconductor device that could amplify or switch electrical signals. It allowed electrical engineers to replace vacuum tubes, which were bulky, unstable and consumed too much power
    • 1968 - Marchian Hoff - Universal microprocessor
  • Radio Engineering
    • Radar
    • Radio
    • Early Television