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System Design - Twitter

System Design: How to design Twitter? Interview question at Facebook, Google, Microsoft

Twitter system design | twitter Software architecture | twitter interview questions


Twitter Architecture 2022

Core Features

  1. Tweeting

  2. Timeline

    • User (Own tweets in profile)
    • Home (All tweets from people you follow)
  3. Following

  4. Full Text Search

  5. HashTags

  6. Push Notifications

  7. Text Notifications

  8. How to incorporate Advertisments


  1. Tweets database
  2. Users database

Problem with this structure is that to get a tweet corresponding to user, if would take a lot of time because there would be a big select query. (Every time we open twitter home statement)

  • This is not feasible


  • Twitter is ready heavy (showing home profile for a user should be super fast)
  • Prefer availability over consitency. (Eventual Consistency - Consistency over a time frame)

Optimized Solution

  • When we tweet we do a Put / Post request
  • Request goes to a Load Balancer
    • Does Fan Out - put tweet on every follower home timeline (in-memory DB / Redis)
  • Twitter has redis cluster
    • Every user has a redis database
    • Every redis database for each user is replicated 3 times
    • Every redis database is in-memory
    • Can store the redis database for a period of time tied to user login activity
    • If a user has 100 followers than 3*100 = 300 redis databases will be updated
    • Problem - If a celebrity tweet there would be million of updates.
    • Solution - Can use a mixed approach, where sql can be used for very large updates.
    • In-memory + Syncronous calls
  • Followers
    • Followers table will give all the redis database hashes where we have to update the home profile
  • Tradeoffs
    • Read heavy
    • Eventual consistency
    • Space
  • Accessing Timeline
    • Get Request
    • Load Balancer
      • Very fast hash lookup for getting redis databases
    • One of the three redis databases reponds with bob's timeline

TwitterBot / Twitter Bot


  • Minimum Basic - $100/month
    • Retrieve up to 10K Posts per month
    • 60 requests / 15 minsPER USER
    • 60 requests / 15 minsPER APP
    • X API v2
    • GET /2/tweets/search/recent
  • Pro - $5000/month
    • Retrieve up to 1M Posts per month
    • 300 requests / 15 minsPER USER
    • 450 requests / 15 minsPER APP
    • GET /2/tweets/search/recent
    • FULL-ARCHIVE SEARCH available - GET /2/tweets/search/all
  • Twitter API | Products | Twitter Developer Platform

Features / APIs


Overview of the different authentication methods | Docs | Twitter Developer Platform

  1. HTTP Basic Authentication
  2. OAuth 1.0a (user context)
  3. OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token (application-only)


Authentication Error

I have found the issue. I got this error because although I had the Twitter developer App, but it was a STANDALONE app without attaching to any projects. So, creating a project first and then link to the app is essential to use Twitter API v2.

When authenticating requests to the Twitter API v2 endpoints, you must use keys and tokens from a Twitter developer App that is attached to a Project · Issue #58 · twitterdev/Twitter-API-v2-sample-code · GitHub
