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System Design - Parking Lot

System Design Interview Question: DESIGN A PARKING LOT - asked at Google, Facebook

  1. System Design

  2. Algorithmic Problem Solution

  3. Object Oriented Design Question Problem Statement - Design a parking lot, Wants a system to manage thousands of cars.

  4. Handling Ambiguity - recognize the breadth of the question

  5. Clarify question like

    • do you want a system design

    • do you want class hierarchy

  6. Systematic Approach (take a step back and don't rush)

    • How is the parking lot designed?

      • Building

      • Open space

      • Assessibility

    • How many spots

      • 10 spots

      • 1000 spots multiple buildings

    • Multiple levels?

      • depedencies

      • optimize to fill up certain areas first

    • Multiple entrances

      • Concurrency issue

      • race condition (When system tries to access same spot at same time)

    • Pricing strategy

      • Premium

      • Fair pricing strategy if the required size parking spot not available

      • Parking spot for disability (near to entrance)

      • Economical parking spot

      • Dynamic pricing (Higher pricing at high rush hour)

Design a system for 4 sizes -

  1. Small (motorcycle)

  2. Medium (car)

  3. Large (Bus)

  4. Extra Large (Truck) Assumption

  5. Can put small car to bigger spot Class Hierarchy -

Abstract Vehicle

  • String licensePlate

  • enum color Implementation of vehicle (Create 4 classes that inherit from the vehicle)

  • MotorCycle (S)

  • Car (M)

  • Bus (L)

  • Truck (XL) class ParkingLot ( zipCode:int )

placeVehicle ( vehicle:Vehicle )

return Spot class Spot ( id:Long, size:enum ) Database for storing spots, vehicles etc. Find free spot (can have an array of spot, but it will be a linear operation to find a free spot)

We can create a stack which have free spots. 4 stacks, each for storing free spots of each size. placeVehicle - O(1), constant time operation + put in HashMap (Fast Lookup) Spot : removeVehicle ( vehicle : Vehicle )

Look up Hashmap