Types of algorithms
Simple recursive algorithms
solves the base care directly
recurs with a simpler subproblem
Backtracking algorithms
Based on a depth-first recursive search
ex- graph colouring (To color a map with no more than four colors)
Divide and conquer algorithms
divide the problems into smaller subproblems of the same type, and solve these subproblems recursively
combine the solutions to the subproblems into a solution to the original problem
ex- quicksort, mergesort
Dynamic programming algorithms
remembers past results and use it to find new results
Optimal substructure
Overlapping subproblems
Greedy algorithms
optimization problem is one in which you want to find, not just a solution, but the best solution. (take the best you can get right now, without regard for future consequences)
ex- counting money
Branch and bound algorithms
generally used for optimization problems
as the algorithm progresses, a tree of subproblems is formed
The original problem is considered the "root problem"
A method is used to construct an upper and lower bound for a given problem
At each node, apply the bounding methods
If the bounds match, it is deemed a feasible solution to that particular subproblem
If bounds do not match, partition the problem represented by that node, and make the two subproblems into children nodes
Continue, using the best known feasible solution to trim sections of the tree, until all nodes have been solved or trimmed.
ex - Travelling salesman problem
Brute force algorithms
simply tries all possibilities until a satisfactory solution is found
To improve brute force algorithms following can be used -
Heuristic - A "rule of thumb" that helps you decide which possibilities to look at first.
Optimization - A way to eliminate certain possibilities without fully exploring them
Randomized algorithms
- ex - Quicksort, uses a random number to choose a pivot
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