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Faster Python

  1. Line Profiling
  2. Numpy Vectorization
  3. Specilized data structures
    • scipy.spatial - For spatial query like distances, nearest neighbor, kd trees etc.
    • pandas - for SQL-like grouping or aggregation
    • xarray - for grouping across multiple dimensions
    • scipy.sparse - sparse matrices for 2-dimensional structured data
    • sparse package - for N-dimensional structured data
    • scipy.sparse.csgraph - for graph-like problems (e.g. finding shortest paths)
  4. CPython
  5. Numba -
  6. Dask
  8. Vaex: A Fast DataFrame for Python 🚀
  9. GitHub - pola-rs/polars: Fast multi-threaded, hybrid-out-of-core DataFrame library in Rust | Python | Node.js
  10. Querying 1TB on a laptop with Python dataframes – Ibis

Optimizing Python Memory Objects

Performant Python (reducing memory usage)

  • Tuples save a bit of memory when replacing lists
  • Tuples save lots of memory when replacing dictionaries
  • Generators save memory only for large tuples, but are faster to iterate
  • Slotted classes save a lot of memory
  • Namedtuples are better than classes but worse than slotted classes
  • Map and filter are sometimes faster than comprehensions


A fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. Ray is packaged with RLlib, a scalable reinforcement learning library, and Tune, a scalable hyperparameter tuning library.