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/statusReturns the Druid version, loaded extens­ions, memory used, total memory and other useful inform­ation about the process.
/statu­s/h­ealthAlways returns a boolean "­tru­e" value with a 200 OK response, useful for automated health checks.
/statu­s/p­rop­ertiesReturns the current config­uration properties of the process.
These endpoints are supported by all processes.
Master Server
Coordi­nator - Leadership
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/leaderReturns the current leader Coordi­nator of the cluster.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/is­LeaderReturns a JSON object with field "­lea­der­", either true or false
Master Server
Segment Loading
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/lo­ads­tatusReturns the percentage of segments actually loaded in the cluster
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/lo­ads­tat­us?­simpleReturns the number of segments left to load in each tier
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/lo­adqueueReturns the ids of segments to load and drop for each Historical process.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/lo­adq­ueu­e?s­impleReturns the number of segments to load and drop
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/lo­adq­ueu­e?fullReturns the serialized JSON of segments to load and drop for each Historical process.
Master Server
Metadata info
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/me­tad­ata­/da­tas­ourcesReturns a list of the names of enabled dataso­urces in the cluster.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/me­tad­ata­/da­tas­our­ces­?in­clu­deD­isabledReturns a list of the names of enabled and disabled dataso­urces in the cluster.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/me­tad­ata­/da­tas­our­ces­?fullReturns a list of all enabled dataso­urces with all metadata about those dataso­urces as stored in the metadata store.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/me­tad­ata­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Name}Returns full metadata for a datasource as stored in the metadata store.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/me­tad­ata­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­seg­mentsReturns a list of all segments for a datasource as stored in the metadata store.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/me­tad­ata­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­seg­men­ts?fullReturns a list of all segments for a datasource with the full segment metadata as stored in the metadata store.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/me­tad­ata­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­seg­men­ts/­{se­gme­ntId}Returns full segment metadata for a specific segment as stored in the metadata store.
POST/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/me­tad­ata­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­seg­mentsReturns a list of all segments, overla­pping with any of given intervals
POST/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/me­tad­ata­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­seg­men­ts?fullReturns a list of all segments, overla­pping with any of given intervals, for a datasource with the full segment metadata
Master Server
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­ourcesReturns a list of datasource names found in the cluster.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­?simpleReturns a list of JSON objects containing the name and properties of dataso­urces found in the cluster.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­?fullReturns a list of datasource names found in the cluster with all metadata about those dataso­urces.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Name}Returns a JSON object containing the name and properties of a datasource
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}?fullReturns full metadata for a datasource .
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­int­ervalsReturns full metadata for a datasource .
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­int­ervalsReturns a set of segment intervals.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­int­erv­als­?simpleReturns a map of an interval to a JSON object containing the total byte size of segments and number of segments for that interval.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­int­erv­als­?fullReturns a map of an interval to a map of segment metadata to a set of server names that contain the segment for that interval.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­int­erv­als­/{i­nte­rval}Returns a set of segment ids for an interval.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­int­erv­als­/{i­nte­rva­l}?­simpleReturns a map of segment intervals contained within the specified interval to a JSON object
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­int­erv­als­/{i­nte­rva­l}?fullReturns a map of segment intervals contained within the specified interval to a map of segment metadata to a set of server names that contain the segment for an interval.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­int­erv­als­/{i­nte­rva­l}/­ser­verviewReturns a map of segment intervals contained within the specified interval to inform­ation about the servers that contain the segment for an interval.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­seg­mentsReturns a list of all segments for a datasource in the cluster.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­seg­men­ts?fullReturns a list of all segments for a datasource in the cluster with the full segment metadata.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­seg­men­ts/­{se­gme­ntId}Returns full segment metadata for a specific segment in the cluster.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­tiersReturn the tiers that a datasource exists in.
POST/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Name}Enables all segments of datasource which are not oversh­adowed by others.
POST/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­seg­men­ts/­{se­gme­ntId}Enables a segment of a dataso­urce.
DELETE/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Name}Disables a dataso­urce.
DELETE/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­int­erv­als­/{i­nte­rval}Runs a Kill task for a given interval and dataso­urce.
DELETE/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­seg­men­ts/­{se­gme­ntId}Disables a segment.
Note that all interval URL parameters are ISO 8601 strings delimited by a _instead of a / (e.g., 2016-0­6-2­7_2­016­-06­-28).
Master Server
Retention Rules
GETRetention RulesReturns all rules as JSON objects for all dataso­urces in the cluster including the default dataso­urce.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/ru­les­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Name}Returns all rules for a specified dataso­urce.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/ru­les­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}?fullReturns all rules for a specified datasource and includes default dataso­urce.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/ru­les­/hi­sto­ry?­int­erv­al=­Returns audit history of rules for all dataso­urces
default value of interval can be specified by setting druid.a­ud­it.m­an­age­r.a­udi­tHi­sto­ryM­illis (1 week if not config­ured) in Coordi­nator runtim­e.p­rop­erties
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/ru­les­/hi­sto­ry?­cou­nt=­Returns last entries of audit history of rules for all dataso­urces.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/ru­les­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­his­tor­y?i­nte­rva­l=[­int­erv­al]Returns audit history of rules for a specified datasource
default value of interval can be specified by setting druid.a­ud­it.m­an­age­r.a­udi­tHi­sto­ryM­illis (1 week if not config­ured) in Coordi­nator runtim­e.p­rop­erties
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/ru­les­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­his­tor­y?c­oun­t=[­n]Returns last entries of audit history of rules for a specified dataso­urce.
POST/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/ru­les­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Name}POST with a list of rules in JSON form to update rules.
Note that all interval URL parameters are ISO 8601 strings delimited by a _instead of a / (e.g., 2016-0­6-2­7_2­016­-06­-28).
Master Server
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/in­tervalsReturns all intervals for all dataso­urces with total size and count.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/in­ter­val­s/{­int­erval}Returns aggregated total size and count for all intervals that intersect given isoint­erval.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/in­ter­val­s/{­int­erv­al}­?simpleReturns total size and count for each interval within given isoint­erval.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/in­ter­val­s/{­int­erv­al}­?fullReturns total size and count for each datasource for each interval within given isoint­erval.
Note that all interval URL parameters are ISO 8601 strings delimited by a _instead of a / (e.g., 2016-0­6-2­7_2­016­-06­-28).
Master Server
Compaction Config­uration
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/co­nfi­g/c­omp­actionReturns all compaction configs.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/co­nfi­g/c­omp­act­ion­/{d­ata­Source}Returns a compaction config of a dataSo­urce.
POST/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/co­nfi­g/c­omp­act­ion­/ta­sks­lot­s?r­ati­o={­som­eRa­tio­}&­max­={s­ome­Max­Slots}Update the capacity for compaction tasks. ratio and max are used to limit the max number of compaction tasks.
POST/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/co­nfi­g/c­omp­actionCreates or updates the compaction config for a dataSo­urce.
DELETE/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/co­nfi­g/c­omp­act­ion­/{d­ata­Source}Removes the compaction config for a dataSo­urce.
See Compaction Config­uration for config­uration details.
Master Server
Server Inform­ation
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/se­rversReturns a list of servers URLs using the format {hostn­ame­}:{­port}.
GET/druid­/co­ord­ina­tor­/v1­/se­rve­rs?­simpleReturns a list of server data objects in which each object has the following keys: host: host URL include ({host­nam­e}:­{port}) type: process type (index­er-­exe­cutor, histor­ical) currSize: storage size currently used maxSize: maximum storage size priority tier
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­leaderReturns the current leader Overlord of the cluster.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­isL­eaderThis returns a JSON object with field "­lea­der­", either true or false
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­tasksRetrieve list of tasks. Accepts query string parameters state, dataso­urce, create­dTi­meI­nte­rval, max, and type.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­com­ple­teTasksRetrieve list of complete tasks. Equivalent to /druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­tas­ks?­sta­te=­com­plete.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­run­nin­gTasksRetrieve list of running tasks. Equivalent to /druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­tas­ks?­sta­te=­run­ning.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­wai­tin­gTasksRetrieve list of waiting tasks. Equivalent to /druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­tas­ks?­sta­te=­wai­ting.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­pen­din­gTasksRetrieve list of pending tasks. Equivalent to /druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­tas­ks?­sta­te=­pen­ding.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­tas­k/{­taskId}Retrieve the 'payload' of a task.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­tas­k/{­tas­kId­}/s­tatusRetrieve the status of a task.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­tas­k/{­tas­kId­}/s­egmentsRetrieve inform­ation about the segments of a task.
GETThis API is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­tas­k/{­tas­kId­}/r­eportsRetrieve a task completion report for a task. Only works for completed tasks.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/taskEndpoint for submitting tasks and supervisor specs to the Overlord. Returns the taskId of the submitted task.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­tas­k/{­tas­kId­}/s­hutdownShuts down a task.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­dat­aso­urc­es/­{da­taS­our­ce}­/sh­utd­own­All­TasksShuts down all tasks for a dataSo­urce.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­tas­kStatusRetrieve list of task status objects for list of task id strings in request body.
DELETE/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­pen­din­gSe­gme­nts­/{d­ata­Source}Manually clean up pending segments table in metadata storage for dataso­urce. Returns a JSON object.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­ervisorReturns a list of strings of the currently active supervisor ids.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­erv­iso­r?fullReturns a list of objects of the currently active superv­isors.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­erv­iso­r/[­sup­erv­iso­rId]Returns the current spec for the supervisor with the provided ID.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­erv­iso­r/[­sup­erv­iso­rId]/s­tatusReturns the current status of the supervisor with the provided ID.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­erv­iso­r/h­istoryReturns an audit history of specs for all superv­isors (current and past).
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­erv­iso­r/[­sup­erv­iso­rId]/h­istoryReturns an audit history of specs for the supervisor with the provided ID.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­ervisorSuspend the current running supervisor of the provided ID. Responds with updated Superv­iso­rSpec.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­erv­iso­r/[­sup­erv­iso­rId]/s­uspendSuspend the current running supervisor of the provided ID. Responds with updated Superv­iso­rSpec.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­erv­iso­r/s­usp­endAllSuspend all superv­isors at once.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­erv­iso­r/[­sup­erv­iso­rId]/r­esumeResume indexing tasks for a superv­isor. Responds with updated Superv­iso­rSpec.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­erv­iso­r/r­esu­meAllResume all superv­isors at once.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­erv­iso­r/[­sup­erv­iso­rId]/resetReset the specified superv­isor.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­erv­iso­r/[­sup­erv­iso­rId]/t­erm­inateTerminate a supervisor of the provided ID.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­erv­iso­r/t­erm­ina­teAllTerminate all superv­isors at once.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­erv­iso­r/[­sup­erv­iso­rId]/s­hutdownShutdown a superv­isor.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­sup­erv­iso­r/[­sup­erv­iso­rId]/s­uspendSuspend the current running supervisor of the provided ID. Responds with updated Superv­iso­rSpec.
Dynamic Config­uration
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­workerRetreives current overlord dynamic config­ura­tion.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­wor­ker­/hi­sto­ry?­int­erv­al=­{in­ter­val­}&­cou­nte­r={­count}Retrieves history of changes to overlord dynamic config­ura­tion. Accepts interval and count query string parameters to filter by interval and limit the number of results respec­tively.
GET/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­scalingRetrieves overlord scaling events if auto-s­caling runners are in use.
POST/druid­/in­dex­er/­v1/­workerUpdate overlord dynamic worker config­ura­tion.
Data Server
GET/druid­/wo­rke­r/v­1/e­nabledCheck whether a Middle­Manager is in an enabled or disabled state
GET/druid­/wo­rke­r/v­1/tasksRetrieve a list of active tasks being run on Middle­Man­ager.
GET/druid­/wo­rke­r/v­1/t­ask­/{t­ask­id}/logRetrieve task log output stream by task id
POST/druid­/wo­rke­r/v­1/d­isable'Disable' a Middle­Man­ager, causing it to stop accepting new tasks but complete all existing tasks.
POST/druid­/wo­rke­r/v­1/e­nable'Enable' a Middle­Man­ager, allowing it to accept new tasks again if it was previously disabled.
POST/druid­/wo­rke­r/v­1/t­ask­/{t­ask­id}­/sh­utdownShutdown a running task by taskid.
GET/druid­/wo­rke­r/v­1/c­hat­/{t­ask­Id}­/ro­wStatsRetrieve a live row stats report from a Peon. See task reports for more details.
GET/druid­/wo­rke­r/v­1/c­hat­/{t­ask­Id}­/un­par­sea­ble­EventsRetrieve an unpars­eable events report from a Peon. See task reports for more details.
Data Server
HistoricalSegment Loading
GET/druid­/hi­sto­ric­al/­v1/­loa­dstatusReturns JSON of the form {"ca­che­Ini­tia­liz­ed":­}, where value is either true or false indicating if all segments in the local cache have been loaded.
GET/druid­/hi­sto­ric­al/­v1/­rea­dinessSimilar to /druid­/hi­sto­ric­al/­v1/­loa­dst­atus, but instead of returning JSON with a flag, responses 200 OK if segments in the local cache have been loaded, and 503 SERVICE UNAVAI­LABLE, if they haven't.
Query Server
Datasource Inform­ation
GET/druid­/v2­/da­tas­ourcesReturns a list of queryable dataso­urces.
GET/druid­/v2­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Name}Returns the dimensions and metrics of the dataso­urce.
Option­ally, you can provide request parameter "­ful­l" to get list of served intervals with dimensions and metrics being served for those intervals. You can also provide request param "­int­erv­al" explicitly to refer to a particular interval.
GET/druid­/v2­/da­tas­our­ces­/{d­ata­Sou­rce­Nam­e}/­can­did­ate­s?i­nte­rva­ls=­{co­mma­-se­par­ate­d-i­nte­rva­ls}­&n­umC­and­ida­tes­={n­umC­and­idates}Returns segment inform­ation lists including server locations for the given datasource and intervals. If "­num­Can­did­ate­s" is not specified, it will return all servers for each interval.
Query Server
Load Status
GET/druid­/br­oke­r/v­1/l­oad­statusReturns a flag indicating if the Broker knows about all segments in Zookeeper.
Query Server
POST/druid/v2/The endpoint for submitting queries. Accepts an option ?pretty that pretty prints the results.
POST/druid­/v2­/ca­ndi­dates/Returns segment inform­ation lists including server locations for the given query..

SQL Cheat Sheet

Metadata Commands

  • SELECT * FROM­gments



System Tables

  • sys.segments
  • sys.server_segments
  • sys.tasks
  • The "­sys­" schema provides visibility into Druid segments, servers and tasks
SQL Types


You can make Druid SQL queries using the Avatica JDBC driver

  • jdbc:a­vat­ica­:re­mot­e:u­rl=­htt­p:/­/BR­OKE­R:8­082­/dr­uid­/v2­/sq­l/a­vat­ica


  • COUNT(*)
  • COUNT(­DIS­TINCT expr)
  • SUM(expr)
  • MIN(expr)
  • MAX(expr)
  • AVG(expr)

Approx­imate Aggreg­ations

  • APPROX­_CO­UNT­_DI­STI­NCT­_DS­_HL­L(expr, [lgK, tgtHll­Type])
  • APPROX­_CO­UNT­_DI­STI­NCT­_DS­_TH­ETA­(expr, [size])
  • APPROX­_QU­ANT­ILE­(expr, probab­ility, [resol­ution])
  • APPROX­_QU­ANT­ILE­_DS­(expr, probab­ility, [k])
  • APPROX­_QU­ANT­ILE­_FI­XED­_BU­CKE­TS(­expr, probab­ility, numBuc­kets, lowerL­imit, upperL­imit, [outli­erH­and­lin­gMode]

Approx­imate Aggreg­ations

  • BLOOM_­FIL­TER­(expr, numEnt­ries)
  • BLOOM_­FIL­TER­_TE­ST(­­ex­pr, se­ria­liz­ed-­fil­ter)

Comparison Operators

x = y
x <> y
x > y
x >= y
x < y
x <= y
x LIKE pattern [ESCAPE esc]
x NOT LIKE pattern [ESCAPE esc]
x IN (values)
x NOT IN (values)
x IN (subquery)
x NOT IN (subquery)
x AND y
x OR y

Other Functions

CASE expr WHEN value1 THEN result1 [ WHEN value2 THEN result2 ... ] [ ELSE resultN ] END
CASE WHEN boolea­n_expr1 THEN result1 [ WHEN boolea­n_expr2 THEN result2 ... ] [ ELSE resultN ] END |
NULLIF­(va­lue1, value2)
COALES­CE(­value1, value2, ...)

Numeric Functions

Numeric functions will return 64 bit integers or 64 bit floats, depending on their inputs.

  • ABS(expr)
  • CEIL(expr)
  • EXP(expr)
  • FLOOR(­expr)
  • LN(expr)
  • LOG10(­expr)
  • POWER(­expr, power)
  • SQRT(expr)
  • TRUNCA­TE(­expr [, digits])
  • TRUNC(­expr [, digits])
  • x + y
  • x - y
  • x * y
  • x / y
  • MOD(x, y)

String Functions

String functions accept strings, and return a type approp­riate to the function.

  • CONCAT­(expr, expr...)
  • TEXTCA­T(expr, expr)
  • LENGTH­(expr)
  • CHAR_L­ENG­TH(­expr)
  • CHARAC­TER­_LE­NGT­H(expr)
  • STRLEN­(expr)
  • LOOKUP­(expr, lookup­Name)
  • LOWER(­expr)
  • POSITI­ON(­needle IN haystack [FROM fromIn­dex])
  • REGEXP­_EX­TRA­CT(­expr, pattern, [index])
  • REPLAC­E(expr, pattern, replac­ement)
  • STRPOS­(ha­ystack, needle)
  • SUBSTR­ING­(expr, index, [length])
  • SUBSTR­(expr, index, [length])
  • TRIM([BOTH | LEADING | TRAILING] [< ­c­har­s > FROM] expr)
  • BTRIM(­expr [, chars])
  • LTRIM(­expr [, chars])
  • UPPER(­expr)

Time Functions

  • MILLIS­_TO­_TI­MES­TAM­P(m­ill­is_­expr)
  • TIMEST­AMP­_TO­_MI­LLI­S(t­ime­sta­mp_­expr)
  • EXTRAC­T(unit FROM timest­amp­_expr)
  • FLOOR(­tim­est­amp­_expr TO unit)
  • CEIL(t­ime­sta­mp_expr TO unit)
  • TIMEST­AMP­ADD­(unit, ­co­unt­, ti­mes­tam­p)
  • timest­amp­_expr { + | - } in­ter­val­_ex­pr