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  • Token Value Distribution
    • +2^63^ - 1 to -2^63^


  • Any server in cluster could be the coordinator
  • So every server needs to maintain a list of all the other servers that are currently in the serveran
  • List needs to be updated automatically as servers join, leave, and fail
  • Cassandra uses gossip-based cluster membership
    • Nodes periodically gossip their membership list
    • On receipt, the local membership list is updated
    • If any heartbeat older than Tfail, node is marked as failed

Joining the cluster

  • Nodes join the cluster by communicating with any node
  • Cassandra finds these nodes list of possible nodes in cassandra.yaml
  • Seed nodes communicate cluster topology to the joining node
  • Once the new node joins the cluster, all nodes are peers
  • States of nodes
    • Joining
    • Leaving
    • Up
    • Down- Cassandra uses a Ring-based DHT but without finger tables or routing


  • Drivers intelligently choose which node would best coordinate a request
  • Per-query basis: ResultSet results = session.execute("[query]");
  • TokenAwarePolicy - driver chooses node which contains the data
  • RoundRobinPolicy - driver round robins the ring
  • DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy - driver round robins the target data center

Data Placement Strategies

  • Replication Strategy
    • SimpleStrategy

Uses the partitioner, of which there are two kinds

  1. RandomPartitioner: Chord-like hash partitioning

  2. ByteOrderedPartitioner: Assigns ranges of keys to servers

    • Easier for range queries (e.g., Get me all twitter users starting with [a-b])
  • NetworkTopologyStrategy: for multi-DC deployments
    • Two replicas per DC
    • Three replicas per DC
    • Per DC
      • First replica placed according to Partitioner
      • Then go clockwise around ring until you hit a different rack


  • Maps: IPs to racks and DCs. Configured in cassandra.yaml config file
  • Some options:
    • SimpleSnitch: Unaware of Topology (Rack-unaware)
    • RackInferring: Assumes topology of network by octet of server's IP address
    • = x.< DC octet >.< rack octet >.< node octet >
    • PropertyFileSnitch: uses a config file
    • EC2Snitch: uses EC2
      • EC2 Region = DC
      • Availability zone = rack
    • Other snitch options available

Snitch | Apache Cassandra Documentation

Suspicion mechanisms

  • Suspicion mechanisms to adaptively set the timeout based on underlying network and failure behavior
  • Accural detector: Failure Detector outputs a value (PHI) representing suspicion
  • Applications set an appropriate threshold
  • PHI calculation for a member
    • Inter-arrival times for gossip messages
    • PHI(t) = -log(CDF or Probability(t_now - t_last))/log 10
    • PHI basically determines the detection timeout, but takes into account historical inter-arrival time variations for gossiped heatbeats
  • In practice, PHI = 5 => 10-15 sec detection time