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The use of game elements and game design techniques in non-game contexts

Common game elements

Game elementDefinition
FeedbackImmediate notification that keep users constantly aware of progress or failures
GoalsActivity goals that are adapted as challenges for the user
BadgesOptional rewards and goals outside the scope of a service's core activities
Point systemReward for completing actions (that is, a numeric value that's added to the total points)
LeaderboardTracking and displaying desired actions to drive desired behavior through competition
User levelsIndication of the user's proficiency in the overall gaming experience over time
Two types of users -
  1. Achievers - are eager to complete the many challenges with which they're confronted.
  2. Explorers - trive to find hidden items they can likely collect by exploring a software system's different areas

Octalysis Gamification Framework

The Octalysis Framework is a human-focused gamification design framework that lays out the eight core drives for humans motivation developed by Yu-Kai Chou. The framework is based on the premise that systems are "function-focused", designed to complete a task as quickly as possible, similar to a factory process assuming workers will complete their tasks in a timely manner because they are required to do so. However, human-focused design acknowledges that people, unlike machines in a system have feelings, insecurities, and reasons why they want or do not want to do certain things, and therefore, optimizes for their feelings, motivations, and engagement.

The framework lays out the structure for analyzing the driving forces behind human motivation. It is the process of applying the core behavior drives that motivate a user to complete a task efficiently through an interactive experience. The Octalysis framework is used in healthcare, fitness, education, training, company, and product design to increase user engagement, ROI and motivation.


Eight Core Drives

  • Core Drive 1: Epic Meaning and Calling
  • Core Drive 2: Development and Accomplishment
  • Core Drive 3: Empowerment of Creativity and Feedback
  • Core Drive 4: Ownership and Possession
  • Core Drive 5: Social Influence and Relatedness
  • Core Drive 6: Scarcity and Impatience
  • Core Drive 7: Unpredictability and Curiosity
  • Core Drive 8: Loss and Avoidance

Octalysis - Wikipedia

Octalysis: Complete Gamification Framework - Yu-kai Chou

Course - Octalysis Prime - The Gamified Mentorship Journey by Yu-kai Chou