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Research Papers

  1. Dynamo - Amazon’s Highly Available Key Value Store
  2. Google File System: Insights into a highly scalable file system
  3. Scaling Memcached at Facebook: A look at the complexities of Caching
  4. BigTable: The design principles behind a distributed storage system
  5. Borg - Large Scale Cluster Management at Google
  6. Cassandra: A look at the design and architecture of a distributed NoSQL database
  7. Attention Is All You Need: Into a new deep learning architecture known as the transformer
  8. Kafka: Internals of the distributed messaging platform
  9. FoundationDB: A look at how a distributed database
  10. Amazon Aurora: To learn how Amazon provides high-availability and performance
  11. Spanner: Design and architecture of Google’s globally distributed databas
  12. MapReduce: A detailed look at how MapReduce enables parallel processing of massive volumes of data
  13. Shard Manager: Understanding the generic shard management framework
  14. Dapper: Insights into Google’s distributed systems tracing infrastructure
  15. Flink: A detailed look at the unified architecture of stream and batch processing
  16. A Comprehensive Survey on Vector Databases
  17. Zanzibar: A look at the design, implementation and deployment of a global system for managing access control lists at Google
  18. Monarch: Architecture of Google’s in-memory time series database
  19. Thrift: Explore the design choices behind Facebook’s code-generation tool
  20. Bitcoin: The ground-breaking introduction to the peer-to-peer electronic cash system
  21. WTF - Who to Follow Service at Twitter: Twitter’s (now X) user recommendation system
  22. MyRocks: LSM-Tree Database Storage Engine
  23. GoTo Considered Harmful
  24. Raft Consensus Algorithm: To learn about the more understandable consensus algorithm
  25. Time Clocks and Ordering of Events: The extremely important paper that explains the concept of time and event ordering in a distributed system