Levenshtein distance or Edit Distance
The Levenshtein Distance, or Edit Distance, is the amount by which two strings differ.
There are 3 possible actions that can be applied on a character:
- Addition (Insert)
- Deletion (Remove)
- Modification (Replace)
# A Naive recursive Python program to find minimum number
# operations to convert str1 to str2
def editDistance(str1, str2, m, n):
# If first string is empty, the only option is to
# insert all characters of second string into first
if m == 0:
return n
# If second string is empty, the only option is to
# remove all characters of first string
if n == 0:
return m
# If last characters of two strings are same, nothing
# much to do. Ignore last characters and get count for
# remaining strings.
if str1[m-1] == str2[n-1]:
return editDistance(str1, str2, m-1, n-1)
# If last characters are not same, consider all three
# operations on last character of first string, recursively
# compute minimum cost for all three operations and take
# minimum of three values.
return 1 + min(editDistance(str1, str2, m, n-1), # Insert
editDistance(str1, str2, m-1, n), # Remove
editDistance(str1, str2, m-1, n-1) # Replace
# Driver code
str1 = "sunday"
str2 = "saturday"
print (editDistance(str1, str2, len(str1), len(str2)))
Time Complexity of above solution is exponential. In worst case, we may end up doing O(3^m) operations. The worst case happens when none of characters of two strings match.
Auxiliary Space: O(1), because no extra space is utilized.