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Thoughts / Future / Ideas / Vision / Prediction

  1. Over time people will reduce reading books (Books will die)
  2. Diversity among humans will decrease, and everything will become standardized
  3. Travelling will reduce among western countries due to high temperature and climate change negative effects. People will be in home more and in-home entertainment and software will soar.
  4. Future the land prices in highly dense environment will go down because people will start moving to rural areas when flying taxis are invented. People's range while traveling will increase given the same amount of time, from current 10 kms in a car to 100 kms in a flying taxi in same 10 mins.
  5. Robotics, AI and flying taxis will significantly change the world, so it's better to move out of India, after babies since a huge population will be a bane instead of boom
  6. Text and Writing is not a very good type of communication for humans, Humans love voice based communication, so AI LLM will reinvent everything. Humans will learn by talking and voice assistants will write and reply everything in real time.


  • Robotics
  • AI
  • Flying taxis (VTOL)
  • Climate Change
  • Blockchain
  • Long life
  • Government Need / Government Requirement
    • Decentralization / democratization - passive homes - energy independence - super efficient solar cells / small scale wind farms
    • Water - rain water harvesting
    • Roads / public transport - personal air vehicle- VTOL
    • Law and order - security from other humans - Everyone has everything



What they have done essentially is to develop a type of semiconductor device called Memristor, but using a metal-organic film rather than conventional silicon-based technology. This material enables the Memristor to mimic the way the biological brain processes information using networks of neurons and synapses, rather than do it the way digital computers do.

…The Memristor, when integrated with a conventional digital computer, enhances its energy and speed performance by hundreds of times, thus becoming an extremely energy-efficient ‘AI accelerator’.…When eventually scaled up, the technology could enable the most large-scale and complex AI tasks – such as large language model (LLM) training – to be done on a laptop or smartphone, rather than requiring a data centre.

IISc scientists develop brain-inspired analog computing platform

(PDF) Linear, symmetric, self-selecting 14-bit molecular memristors


We are highly unqualified to speak anything about anything that we are not working in, therefore we should speak about facts rather than opinions

God is the Creator, not a manager. Humans have the privilege of managing their own lives.

The world's economic incentive is not good enough for humans and creating equal opportunity and a better place

Blockchain and smart contract reinvents trust and solve lies/frauds mathematically.

Blockchain reinvents trust.

Humans cannot be trusted, they trust software more than other humans - Haven't you studied past history as to what humans have done to other humans.

In long term for a company to survive, stock ownership for employees and board of directors, to keep each other in check, works. Otherwise leaders will never take ownership, since it's not their company and owners/founders will have to keep other leaders in check. Otherwise company will slowly collapse.

The whole world is moving towards electric, but India is pushing more towards Hydrogen why? Maybe they want everyone to be dependent on government and their big corporations rather than becoming independent.


Can Rice last forever?

The Ceiling Fan Revolution is here!

It’s Millet Time!

Introducing r1 - YouTube

Top changes

  1. We will be capable of having (subject to no political barriers) Al-based near free doctors, lawyers and tutors for every citizen of the planet that will amplify our human professionals to improve accessibility and care.
  2. We could have more efficient sources of plant protein to replace animal protein and much better fertilizer.
  3. We could replace the majority of cars in most cities
  4. In 15 years we could have flying Mach 5 planes that get us from NYC to London in 90 minutes - on sustainable aviation fuel no less
  5. In 25 years there could be a billion bipedal robots (a million in 10 years). This would create a new industry larger than the current auto industry. From factory workers to farm workers and more, we could free humans from the bottom 50% of really undesirable jobs. You'd have yours, I'd have mine - and it'll totally change how we interact with the physical world.
  6. There could be a billion programmers all "programming" in natural language. The "craft" of coding would be commoditised and the entire field would be opened up to those without the classic CS degree. Just one of innumerable examples of how entire industries could be shaken up.
  7. A world where we can discover more resources than we consume in the next few decades.
  8. We could replace all coal plants by 2050. My bet is on fusion.
  9. Music and entertainment could be plentiful, and personalised. Content creation would be commoditized, but it is not going to change the celebrity-consumer relationship. That "phenomenon" would still exist as a different experience.
  10. Carbon emissions could be a smaller issue (though still an issue) if we get the will to find and scale better technologies for cement, steel, agriculture, transportation, power production, HVAC, etc. Most such efforts will fail but enough will succeed to solve the problem of carbon emissions in the critical areas.

Here are Vinod Khosla's 10 predictions for the coming decades


Ask HN: What are the big/important problems to work on? | Hacker News

Why AI Will Spark Exponential Economic Growth | Cathie Wood | TED - YouTube

  • Old
    • Telephone
    • Electricity
    • Automobile
  • New
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Public Blockchains
    • Energy Storage
    • Robotics (Autonomous Vehicles)
    • Multinomic Sequencing